Book Review

Book cover of "Digital Citizenship in Action: Empowering Students to Engage in Online Communities" by Kristen Mattson, Second Edition. The cover features a colorful background with speech bubbles and five diverse students engaging in various activities, such as walking, jumping, and using devices, symbolizing active and dynamic participation in online communities.

Review by James Allen

Ordering Information

Book cover of "Digital Citizenship in Action: Empowering Students to Engage in Online Communities" by Kristen Mattson, Second Edition. The cover features a colorful background with speech bubbles and five diverse students engaging in various activities, such as walking, jumping, and using devices, symbolizing active and dynamic participation in online communities.


This topic of 'digital citizenship' is one I've been following for nearly as long as I've been a teacher librarian (2004ish). Dr. Mattson's book is such a genuine discussion on this super-complex topic. I will be honest. I don't usually love professional books, but this one is different. It feels like a genuine conversation or an awesome session at a conference. If you are an educator, you will not regret the time needed to read it and explore the included resources. 


I'm including the table of contents here to give you a better idea of what is discussed in the text. 

Chapter 1: A Primer on Digital Citizenship

Chapter 2: Best Practices for an Integrated Digital Citizenship Education

Chapter 3: Teaching Safety to Digital Citizens

Chapter 4: Empowering Digital Citizens Through Media Literacy Education

Chapter 5: Supporting Digital Health and Well-Being

Chapter 6: Helping Students Foster Digital Community

Chapter 7: Digital Citizenship and Social Responsibility

Primer on DigCit

For real

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The Past

I love the time spent on discussing where we have been in this conversation, on this topic of digital citizenship.

"Digital Citizenship 3.0 is the realization that we do not have all the answers, but instead, we find ourselves needing to have more nuanced discussions."


I also love the part about this digcit work being a responsibility of all teachers, not one single person in a school. 

Digital Citizenship

is NOT a singular topic!

Super-important theme from chapter 1. 

Best Practices

Great chapter! I've had similar conversations on how we can compare digital citizenship to other parts of our lives and how learning works.
"Students need space to practice..."

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Best Practices

Throughout Dr. Mattson's book, there are connections to the ISTE standards, Featured Activities, and Spotlight Stories. DON'T skip these. They are powerful. I love how many teacher librarians are featured in these real-life applications and stories. 

Icon from BEARicons on Nounproject

Best Practices

This chapter also contains my favorite analogy in the book!

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Teaching Safety

I love that one of the featured activities utilizes picture books! Literature is a natural connection point for digital citizenship too!

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Media Literacy

In this chapter, "Empowering Digital Citizens Through Media Literacy Education," Dr. Mattson makes some serious connections to her "Edvolve Digital Citizenship Framework." If you haven't yet, check it out!

The rest...

I could keep going, but I don't want to spoil the genuinely cool experience of reading this book, thinking about its implications, and exploring all the stories of educators doing this important work. 

If you are a school librarian, education technology coach, or administrator, this is a must-read. It is also a must-read for any other kind of educator. 😅

Ordering Information

Book cover of "Digital Citizenship in Action: Empowering Students to Engage in Online Communities" by Kristen Mattson, Second Edition. The cover features a colorful background with speech bubbles and five diverse students engaging in various activities, such as walking, jumping, and using devices, symbolizing active and dynamic participation in online communities.
