SVG 101

Made with by might notice funny hex colour names in the examples 😋

🤫 Psst.... 

What is SVG

  • Scalable Vector Graphics

  • svg defines graphics on the web

  • describes 2D graphics in XML

    • eXtensible Markup Language
    • stores and transports data
    • self-descriptive
    • every element is available within the SVG DOM
  • W3C recommendation

  • defined by <svg> tag

   <!-- magic goes here -->

Browser support

  • supported by all the major browsers
  • standardised in 2000s

How to create SVG?


  • scalable => does not affect image quality
  • built with XML => each point and line is printed (instead of using fixed values in px)
  • easily manipulated with CSS/JS
  • svg is just text => smaller, adaptive to variety of screens
  • reusable

and why not <img /> ?

Initial coordinate system (black color in examples)

  • established on the viewport
  • starts at top left corner (0,0)
  • positive x-axis points to the right
  • positive y-axis points down

User coordinate system (blue color in examples)

  • established on the canvas
  • starts at top left corner (0,0)
  • if viewbox values are not defined, it will be identical to the viewport coord. system
  • viewbox attributes make it different from the initial coord. system

Coordinate systems in SVG

SVG coordinate system is set by:

  1. svg canvas

  2. svg viewport

  3. svg viewbox


  • space where svg content is created/drawn

  • infinite on x and y axis

  • BUT its size is relative to the viewport which if finite

  • (we only see viewport)


  • space where svg is visible

  • defined by width and height attr on the svg element

    • ​no unit means px

    • can accept other css units: em, ex, pt, cm, %...

  • page !== viewport

    • ​page can be wider/higher


  • svg attribute

  • defines new coord. system

  • values of viewBox are min-x min-y width height

viewbox: 0 0 width height

  • effect is similar to cropping the graphic to that viewbox and then zooming in to the cropped area

viewbox: min-x min-y width height

  • min-x and min-y moves the coord. system, not the element

  • when min-x and min-y values are positive, they have the same effect like applying transform:translate(-x -y)

Some svg shapes

SVG reusability

  • <use> element

  • href attribute points to the svg element that should be reused

  • x attribute sets the position on the x-axis of reused element

  • y attribute sets the position on the y-axis

  • default for x and y is 0

    • positioned at the top left corner of the original svg element

  • xlink:href => only for safari, deprecated

SVG reusability

  • <symbol> reuses the whole svg and its attributes

    • a graphical template

    • initialised by the <use> element

    • href points to the id of symbol

    • xlink:href => only for safari, deprecated


Are you ready to speak on the next meetup?

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Thanks for the attention 😎

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