Jessica Parsons
Jessica Parsons
Given Book that has not been checked out
And User who is registered on the system
When User checks out a book
Then Book is marked as checked out
Is that a doc? No.
Maybe partly, but there's more to it.
Doesn't have to be.
Can actually be more agile.
Oh! I keep forgetting that
I need to write docs first!
I felt guilty for not getting
more coding done.
I'm not sure where to start.
I can explain things better visually.
Document the process!
Provide scaffolding
Think beyond the written word
The docs can't drive themselves
Leverage team expertise:
They say naming things is one of the hardest things in programming...
Try delegating it to someone
who writes for a living!
I wrote a doc and
shared it in Slack.
I asked for comments,
but I got crickets.
I don't know when a doc has changed, and I can't tell what's new.
Add accountability
Notify readers
Joining projects midstream
I thought I would need a pairing to catch up, but everything I needed was in the docs!
*also makes projects more inclusive
How do I turn this off?
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