Bruno Wenk

Dipl.El.-Ing. ETH Zürich (1978)

Professor em. for Multimedia Communications Systems at HTW Chur (1990 - 2017)

Teaching: Internet- and web technologies, digital publishing and multimedia systems, information visualization

aR&D: interactive e-books, semantic web, linked open data, open educational resources

married to Doris Wenk

father of Rahel, Jonas, Rea Selina und Luisa

grandfather of Awa Arjen Joscha, Zoë Laetizia and Amélie

Bruno Wenk Dipl.El.-Ing. ETH Zürich (1978) Professor em. for Multimedia Communications Systems at HTW Chur (1990 - 2017) Teaching : Internet- and web technologies, digital publishing and multimedia systems, information visualization aR&D : interactive e-books, semantic web, linked open data, open educational resources married to Doris Wenk father of Rahel, Jonas, Rea Selina und Luisa grandfather of Awa Arjen Joscha, Zoë Laetizia and Amélie