Insights from Data

by Zhengming Song



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actionable recommendations learned from data

  • Tier 1: treatment X is a significant better choice for:
    • Severe Male Young Adult
    • Minor Male|Female Young Adult
    • Minor Male Senior
    • Minor Male Adult
  • ​Tier 2: treatment Y is a significant better choice for:
      • Severe Male Youth
  • ​In all other cases, there is no significant statistical evidence shows there is difference of treatment X and Y in terms of success rate.

From patient side:

  • Surgeon 25 is perform well for treatment X for both minor and severe initial conditions (expert for treatment X).
  • Surgeon 2, 5, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 are better at treatment X for minor initial condition.
  • Surgeon 10, 17, 18, 19, 30, 31 are better at treatment Y for severe initial condition.
  • Surgeon 6 handled the most surgeries, if the collection period is same for all surgeons. There might be inefficiency on resources utilization: ~7% workforce handled ~83+% surgeries.
  • Better keep 20/80 rules.

From patient side: