OSH Tutorial Part 5


Tasking in Sensor Drivers

  • Sensor/actuator drivers can provide one or more tasking input by implementing ISensorControlInterface
  • In general, drivers should not handle scheduling and priorities

Sensor Planning Service

  • Allows tasking of sensors, actuators or more complex assets or systems
  • Service provides operations for
    • Evaluating task feasibility
    • Submitting tasks
    • Canceling tasks
    • Getting status of tasks
    • Reserving assets for a task
  • Uses SWE Common for tasking message description and encoding
  • Synchronous or Asynchronous operation and support for Notifications of task state changes (via OASIS WS-N)

XML Examples

  <sps:taskingParameters name="CameraTask">
      <swe:field name="pan">
         <swe:Quantity definition="http://.../RelativePan">
            <swe:label>Pan Angle</swe:label>
            <swe:uom code="deg"/>
                  <swe:interval>-180 180</swe:interval>
      <swe:field name="tilt">
         <swe:Quantity definition="http://.../RelativeTilt">
            <swe:label>Tilt Angle</swe:label>
            <swe:uom code="deg"/>
                  <swe:interval>-90 90</swe:interval>
      <swe:field name="focalLength">
        <swe:Quantity definition="http://.../FocalLength">
          <swe:label>Focal length</swe:label>
          <swe:uom code="mm"/>
              <swe:interval>3.5 10</swe:interval>

XML Examples

<sps:Submit service="SPS" version="2.0.0">
        <swe:TextEncoding tokenSeparator="," blockSeparator=" " />

<sps:GetStatus service="SPS" version="2.0.0">
      <sps:statusMessage xml:lang="en">
        Your reservation failed because an emergency tasking action required
        use of the resources that were reserved for your task.

Tasking Methods

Direct Tasking

Service forwards command message to sensor driver as soon as it is received


Tasks is scheduled and executed asynchronously at a later time

OSH Tutorial - Part 5: Tasking

By Alex Robin

OSH Tutorial - Part 5: Tasking

Principles of sensor and actuator tasking

  • 431