• Copy of Advanced permissions system with Groups

    While working on rebuilding a Royal College platform in the United Kingdom, we were tasked with a challenge on how to manage permissions where Groups played a major role in granting the correct access.

  • Advanced permissions system with Groups

    While working on rebuilding a Royal College platform in the United Kingdom, we were tasked with a challenge on how to manage permissions where Groups played a major role in granting the correct access.

  • Writing code, both science and art

    Many beginners in Drupal and also generally in development, feel that as long as something works we should leave it as it is. Wrong.

  • Building an API service on Drupal 8, the ifs, whys and hows.

    Myself and the team were recently given a project to create an API service that would connect the client's website with several 3rd party integrations such as CRM systems etc. Of course with the REST API included in Drupal's core (and the fact that we are a Drupal studio) we immediately thought about using Drupal 8 for this. And after a couple of proof of concepts, we liked the idea more and more.

  • Writing code, both science and art

    Many beginners in Drupal and also generally in development, feel that as long as something works we should leave it as it is. Wrong.