How to be an Epic Web Dev
Career and life advice from my career and life

Who am I
Growing up
Growing up
Understand the mission of your organization
Make the job what you want it to be

Go the extra mile and tell the right people about it

Run to the other side of the court to hit the ball back

Be bold! Seize the opportunity
Be the kind of person people want to work with
Be the person to make opportunity for others
It's not what you know or who you know. It's who knows you and what they know about you.
Build your network
before you need it
Demonstrate what you know to the right people
Be up front demonstrating what you know
Change a leap into a step
Keep commitments
Commit to big things to accomplish big things
Care for your most important relationships
- Understand the mission of your organization
- Go the extra mile and tell the right people about it
- Make the job what you want it to be
- Run to the other side of the court to hit the ball back
- Be the kind of person people want to work with
- Be bold! Seize the opportunity
- Be the person to make opportunity for others
- It's not what you know or who you know.
It's who knows you and what they know about you. - Build your network before you need it
- Demonstrate what you know to the right people
- Be up front demonstrating what you know
- Change a leap into a step
- Keep commitments
- Commit to big things to accomplish big things
- Care for your most important relationships

You are Epic
Thank you!

𝕏 @kentcdodds
How to be an Epic Web Dev
By Kent C. Dodds
How to be an Epic Web Dev
Career and life advice from my career and life
- 1,042