Excel in Groovy

Vladimír Oraný

Test Facilitator @ Agorapulse






  • How to avoid Excel generation
  • The current approach using Apache POI
  • Live demo of writing Excel with Spreadsheet Builder
    • Tabular data
    • Advanced tabular data
  • Writing advanced Excel files with Spreadsheet Builder
    • Non-tabular reports
  • Reading Excel files with Spreadsheet Criteria

Example Data - Twitter

Unbeatable Excel

Unbeatable Excel

CSV Workaround

TAB Separated File Workaround

HTML Workaround

Apache POI

Apache POI (cont.)

Apache POI (cont.)

Apache POI Export

XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook()

XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet('Tweets')

XSSFRow headerRow = sheet.createRow(0)

['User', 'Favourites', 'Retweets','Text'].eachWithIndex { header, i ->
    XSSFCell headerCell = headerRow.createCell(i)
    headerCell.cellValue = header

tweets.eachWithIndex { Status tweet, int i ->
    XSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(i + 1)
    XSSFCell screenNameCell = row.createCell(0)
    screenNameCell.cellValue = tweet.user.screenName

    XSSFCell favouriteCountCell = row.createCell(1)
    favouriteCountCell.cellValue = tweet.favoriteCount

    XSSFCell retweetCountCell = row.createCell(2)
    retweetCountCell.cellValue = tweet.retweetCount

    XSSFCell textCell = row.createCell(3)
    textCell.cellValue = tweet.text


Tabular Data

Headlines and status per each row

Spreadsheet Builder

SpreadsheetBuilder builder = PoiSpreadsheetBuilder.create(out)

builder.build {
    sheet 'Tweets', {
        row {
            cell 'User'
            cell 'Favourites'
            cell 'Retweets'
            cell 'Text'
        tweets.each { tweet ->
            row {
                cell tweet.user.screenName
                cell tweet.favoriteCount
                cell tweet.retweetCount
                cell tweet.text

Tabular Data


Tabular Data

Bold headlines with filter and scroll freeze, status per each row, some data highlighted

Filters and Scroll Lock

builder.build {
    // ...

    sheet 'Tweets', {
        filter auto
        freeze 0, 1

        row {
            // ...

        // ...


builder.build {
    style 'headline', {
        font {
            style bold

    style 'text', {
        wrap text
        align center, justify

    style 'highlighted', {
        foreground orange

    sheet 'Tweets', {
        // ...

        row {
            style 'headline'
            // ...

Advanced Tabular Data

Unit Testing

criteria.query {
    sheet {
        row {
            cell {
                style {
                    font {
                        style bold
}.size() == 5
criteria.query {
    sheet {
        row {
            cell {
                style {
                    foreground orange
}.rows.size() == 1
criteria.query {
    sheet {
        row {
            cell {
                value 'yes'
}.size() == 73

Excel Report

Non-tabular structure, different text styles, borders, print setup


//    | A        | B        | C            |
// -----------------------------------------
//  1 | Name     | Text     | Fav. Count   |
// ----          -          -              -
//  2 | Name     | Text     | Fav. Count   | 
// ---------------          ----------------
//  3 | Handle   | Text     | Rtw. Count   |
// ---------------          -              -
//  4 | Create   | Text     | Rtw. Count   |
// -----------------------------------------


 sorted.each { tweet ->
    row {
        cell {
            value tweet.user.name
            rowspan 2
        cell {
            value tweet.text
            rowspan 4
        cell {
            value tweet.retweetCount
            rowspan 2


    row {
        cell { value "@$tweet.user.screenName" }
        cell('C') {
            value tweet.favoriteCount
            rowspan 2

    row { cell { value tweet.createdAt } }


sorted.each { tweet ->
    row {
        cell {
            value tweet.user.name
            width 4 cm
        cell {
            value tweet.text
            width 14 cm
        cell {
            value tweet.retweetCount
            width 2 cm


    row {
        cell { value "@$tweet.user.screenName" }
        cell('C') { value tweet.favoriteCount }

    row {
        cell { value tweet.createdAt }


sheet('Tweets') {
    page {
        paper a4
        orientation portrait


style 'date', {
    format 'dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm'


style 'border-top', {
    border top, {
        style thick
        color black

style 'border-bottom', {
    border bottom, {
        style thick
        color black

style 'border-left', {
    border left, {
        style thick
        color black

style 'border-right', {
    border right, {
        style thick
        color black

Excel Report

Reading Excel

Reading Order

Reading Order (cont.)

Cell productCell = criteria.query {
    sheet {
        row {
            cell {
                value 'Product'
                style { font { style bold } }
Cell quantityCell = criteria.query {
    sheet {
        row {
            cell {
                value 'Qty'
                style { font { style bold } }
Cell totalRow = criteria.query {
    sheet {
        row {
            cell('A') {
                value 'Total'
                style { font { style bold } }

Spreadsheet Criteria

Spreadsheet Criteria

Map<String, Integer> quantities = [:]

Cell productNameLineCell = productCell.bellow
Cell quantityLineCell = quantityCell.bellow

while (productNameLineCell && productNameLineCell.row.number < totalRow.number) {
    quantities[productNameLineCell.read(String)] = quantityLineCell.read(Number).intValue()

    productNameLineCell = productNameLineCell.bellow
    quantityLineCell = quantityLineCell.bellow

The End?

More Features?

More Features!


Sheet Protection



Named Cells & Formulas


Rich Text

Text Rotation

Excel in Groovy

By musketyr

Excel in Groovy

  • 3,390