DIY Campus
Currency is a tool to allocate 
limited 'resources'| By Marcus A. Link

DIY Campus - "The Geo"
Education Currency

DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

The 'Geo' aims for

* Lifelong Learning
* - Self-paced, Self-driven

* Distributive justice

* Educational justice
* Learning is fun, do it!
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

The purpose of currency

* Medium of exchange
* Store of value
* Unit of measurement

What are digital currencies?
Digital versus virtual currency.
DIY Campus
Digital currency

Digital currency or digital money
is an Electronic-based medium of
exchange - distinct from physical money
(such as banknotes and coins) - that
represent value.
DIY Campus
Virtual Currency

'Virtual' can be defined as
"not based in physical reality".

Virtual currencies are not intended
for use in "real life", or for
expenditures on 'real' assets.
DIY Campus
Virtual Currency

'Goldfarmers' do acquire
virtual (Game) currency to sell it
to other players for 'real-world' money.
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Does it matter
who creates currency?


Even distribution

Policed (limited) supply

and taxable circulation matters.


Is that given right now?

DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Does it make sense to utilize
the same kind of token

* For buying a bun
* For buying a billion $ company?

(Private vs. Corporate)
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

How about separating
* Storage of Value

How about excluding
* Interest

How about including
* Charity
(Populations needs vs.
Inverstors demands)
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

What kind of 'currencies' are out there?

* Local Currencies
* Cryptocurrencies
* Game Currencies
* Loyalty programs
* Coupons (Marketing programs)
* LETS (Local exchange trading system)
DIY Campus
Chiemgauer, 2003 Walldorf school

* Support of local economy
* and non profit organisations

* Fixed € exchange rate: 1:1
* Interest free savings and loans
* eChiemgauer
* 2014: 627 'points of acceptance'
* - 3.600 participants
* - Market capitalization > 520.000 €
DIY Campus
Toronto dollar, 1998

* Purchased at a 1-for-1 rate
* Exchange rate back: 90%
* 2008: 150 'points of acceptance'
* 10% benefit 'social initiatives'
DIY Campus

* More than 3200 Cryptocurrencies
* 163,009,744,134.31 US$ marketcap
* 77 with a daily trade volume > 1000 $
DIY Campus
Market Capitalizations
Bitcoin $ 3,444,424,137
Ripple $ 267,850,655
Litecoin $ 120,317,706
Ethereum $ 73,163,594
Dash $ 14,084,812
BanxShares $ 12,798,159
Dogecoin $ 12,659,924
Stellar $ 10,716,583
BitShares $ 10,692,907
Bytecoin $ 10,301,218
DIY Campus

2015: within 9 month
Approximately 1 mil. Bitcoins created.
(14.6 mil. of 21 mil.)

* Blockchain
* - public ledger of transactions
DIY Campus

* Blockchain-based cryptocurrency
* user-created smart contracts

Initial public crowdsale: 60,102,216 Ξ
Worth 18,4 mil. US$ at that time (BTC)
13.1 million new Ether mined per year.
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Ripple, Ripple Labs Inc.
* 100 Billion XRP
* - 80 Billion -> Ripple Labs Inc.

* Currency exchange
* Remittance network
* Supports tokens of all kind

"Instant and nearly free global
financial transactions."
DIY Campus
Amazon Coin

* Can only be used to purchase
* - software for Kindle Fire tablets
* - & Android from the Amazon Appstore
* - or from within an application
* Like a digital Gift card
* 1 Coin = 1 US$ cent.
* UK: 1 Coin = 1 penny.
* Cannot be redeemed for cash.
DIY Campus
Facebook Credits

* Fixed exchange rate of 10:1 US$
* To purchase items in games
* - non-gaming applications
* - on the Facebook Platform

2012: No longer in use
DIY Campus
Disney dollar, Company scrip

* First issued in 1987
* Fixed exchange rate of 1:1 US$
* Exchanged only in company stores
* Redeemable for goods and services 
* A Collector's Item
DIY Campus
Sodexo, Sodexo Group

* Foodservice, facility management,
* Service Vouchers
* Restaurant Vouchers,
* Meal Passes

"Reported revenues of €15,3 billion
in the 12 months ended February 2010."
DIY Campus
Game Currencies

Entropia Universe
* Fixed exchange rate of 10:1 US$
(Sold: Virtual resort for $635,000.)
DIY Campus
Loyalty programs

Miles & More, Miles & More GmbH
Frequent-flyer program
* Established 1. Januar 1993
* 2012: 205 billion miles
* - 1,66 billion €
* 2014: 25 million participants
* Products, Services, Charity
* Customer lock-in
* They do expire
DIY Campus
Loyalty programs

PayBack, Loyalty Partner GmbH
* 1 Point ~ 0.01€
* Customers of retail businesses
* Vouchers, goods, discounts, money
* 2011 acquired by American Express
* Big Brother Award in 2000
* - Intrusion on individual privacy
* - recording and analyzing behavior
DIY Campus

Groupon, Groupon, Inc.

Initially offer: one "Groupon" per day
Contract assurance using ThePoint's

Over 500 sites similar to Groupon
#1 LivingSocial
(buy and share in your city)
DIY Campus

LivingSocial, LivingSocial Inc.

Online marketplace
* allows clients to buy and share
* - things to do in their city.
More than 70 million global members
Allowed users to catalog and share
their favorite books with friends.
(on Facebook)
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

How many EduCurrencies do exist?
How do they work?

DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Saber (sectoral currency)
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

What is the digital currency called Geo?

Conceived 2008 by Marcus A. Link
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

"Knowledge is a resource -
which increases if you share it."

"In some way,
Geo measures the time you spend
in an educational context."

"You could say, Geo is one pillar
for an economy based on education."
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

"The Geo is a user generated currency.
It is created or generated by the user 
by participating in skill or
knowledge achieving activities."

DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Sometimes you hear:
"A currency needs to be backed up
by a limited resource like gold
or something else of value."
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Value, which can be purchased with Geo,
will be digital - often 3D content,
access to virtual 3D entertainment
for instance.
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Digital products
have an unlimited supply and
are kept artificial at a high* price.

- Software
- Music
- Movies
- CAD Data
- Data in general
*pirate copy 
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

The Geo will be run by a
nonprofit organization - NPO
(also known as non-business entity).
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

One way to create and obtain Geo is
taking part in multiple choice tests.

By answering a question correctly,
participants create/receive one Geo.
Individuals can create a maximum
of one Geo - every 5 seconds.
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Another way to create and obtain Geo is
taking part in a lecture.

By attending a class, a lecture or
an educational presentation,
a participant creates/receives a
maximum of 400 Geo/h.

* Educator receives the same amount
(can sell class material too.)
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Initial allocation of Geo: 0

Basic Account (free):
Every year, the Geo balance
is deducted by 50%, no transaction fee.

Premium Account:
A 20% transaction fee account,
no yearly deduction.
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Sustainability can be achieved by
Cooperating with Governments & Companies

A) Imagine an Education Loyalty Card

B) Get paid for creating digital teaching material

C) Charging a fee if Geo is converted to another currency

D) Providing the 3D virtual collaboration environment

E) Licensing the system to other parties

DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

How can we use it -
in the educational field?

External learning environments
- Give your customer credits

Utilize Geo for
- Education Discounts
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Use 'The Geo' as

* Educator Loyalty Program
* Achievement Indicator
* Direct Reward System
* ...
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Use the currency to

* Buy digital entertainment content
* Buy educational content
* Be generous and charitable

Acquire it to

* Be directly rewarded for learning
* Sell it at the exchange
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Prerequisites to utilize the Geo

Class/training material must be
* Accessible for Geo or for free
* Content must be age-categorized
* An e-Mail address
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

For whom is "The Geo"?

If you love to learn yourself!
(Teach topics you are passionate about)
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

For whom is "The Geo"?

If you are eager to try out new things.
(No one is left behind - utilizing
self-paced learning experiences)
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

For whom is "The Geo"?

If you are enthusiastic about delivering
the most exciting learning experience
for learners.
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Did you learn something
during 'The Geo' presentation?

16.Sept.2015 EdTech Meetup Ffm
N.: "Hab total viel gelernt."
G.: "informativ und ideenreichen"
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Did you learn something
during 'The Geo' presentation?

Drop me your e-Mail address,
you will be one of the first
who receives 'Geo'.
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency

Marcus A. Link

e-Mail |
phone  | +49 157 74220000
DIY Campus
The Geo - an Education Currency


International Journal of Community Currency Research

Private financed social security system

- The Education Currency "Geo"

By Marcus A. Link

- The Education Currency "Geo"

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