What's new in C# 7... and 8!

Who Am I?

Marcin Zajkowski

Umbraco Developer, Trainer and Certified Master @ The Cogworks

Team, Technology & Knowledge Wizard (CKO, CIO) / PedagoGEEK @ WOW School

Me @ udfnd.pl



Let's start with some questions...

Question 1/64

Who is using Visual Studio 2017?

Question 2/64

Who is using C# 7 features?

If it's there - use it.

If you can't use latest C# at work, do it at least at home! It's just better :)

public class GoldenThough1 : ITweetable {

C# history in a nutshell

  • C# 3 - LINQ FTW!
  • C# 4 - Dynamics FTW!
  • C# 5 - Async FTW!
  • C# 6 - ???
  • C# 7 - ???
  • C# 8 - ???


C# 7.1

14th August 2017
Visual Studio 2017 Update 3 (version 15.3)



Not only should (programming) languages evolve, but also tools to work with them.

public class GoldenThough2 : ITweetable {

...and VS is changing!

(and not only getting closer to ReSharper ;))

C# 7.x with Umbraco?

(or any other, existing .NET app)

Yes, we can!

Update / Reinstall NuGet pkgs

  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers
  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common
  • Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
  • Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
install-package System.ValueTuple

(only for .NET Framework < 4.7)


C# 8!

Default Interface Members

public interface ICanHasDefaultMembers
    void FireDev();

    void FireAllDevs()
        foreach (var dev in theCogworks)

public class MySweetClassWhichIDontWantToModify : ICanHasDefaultMembers
    public void FireDev()
        // You know what to do :>
public interface ICanHasDefaultMembers
    void FireDev();

    void FireAllDevs()
        foreach (var dev in theCogworks)

public class MySweetClassWhichIDontWantToModify : ICanHasDefaultMembers
    public void FireDev()
        // You know what to do :>

    private void FireAllDevs() 
        // My private member
MySweetClassWhichIDontWantToModify myClass = new MySweetClassWhichIDontWantToModify();
myClass.FireAllDevs(); // Doesn't work because FireAllDevs() is private

ICanHasDefaultMembers myClassOnSteroids = (ICanHasDefaultMembers)myClass;
myClassOnSteroids.FireAllDevs(); // It works!

(non-nullable / null) Reference Types

int i = 0; // I can't be null
int? i = null; // I can be null!
string s;
string? t;

t = null;
int i = t.Length; // Warning

if(t != null) {
    int j = t.Length; // No warning - smart compiler!

if(!t.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) {
    int l = t.Length; // Warning!
    int m = t!.Length; // I'm smarter than compiler, and DAMNIT, I don't have null here for sure! :>
string s; // Should never be null
string? s1; // Can be null

s?.Length; // Check this one for null, please!
s!.Length; // Don't check this, I'm smarter than you :)

Async Streams

async Task<bool> ThisIsWellKnownAndUsedTaskAsync(){
    return true;

await ThisIsWellKnownAndUsedTaskAsync();

// ---------------------------------------------------

IAsyncEnumerable<T> willItBlowOrNotHmmmWeWillSee = ...

foreach await(var bang in willItBlowOrNotHmmmWeWillSee)
    // Thread is not blocked and item is retrieved
    // Move next when data is here!

Pull model other than push model in IObservable for example

Extension Everything

public class SomeClassWhichNeedsToBeExtended


public static class SomeClassWhichNeedsToBeExtendedExtensions
    public static T MethodName<T>(this SomeClassWhichNeedsToBeExtended instance)
        return default(T);

What we're doing now...

extension MyClassExtension extends ClassToBeExtended
    public int AddAnotherHead()
        this.Heads++; // it call the current instance of MyClassExtension

    public int Heads()
        get { ... }

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

extension SomeComplexExtension extends MyClass : IMyInterface

Where to look for more

So.. you want to win a (dev)date or JetBrains licence? :)


Name 3 methods or variables used in my demos today!

JetBrains Licence

What's the due date of C# 8.0 release (placed in the Github roadmap)?

Tweet what's Tweetable ;)

...and just use latest C#!

public class GoldenThough3 : ITweetable {

Thank You! Questions?

@zajkowskimarcin  /  marcin.zajkowski@thecogworks.com