Technology Used
Research Work Done
Algorithm Used
CBIR Parameters to be used
COLOR: Image retrieval based on color actually means retrieval on color descriptors. Most commonly used color descriptors are the color histogram, color coherence vector, color correlogram, and color moments
TEXTURE: Texture of an image is actually visual patterns that an image possesses and how they are spatially defined. Textures are represented by texels which are then placed into a number of sets, depending on how many textures are detected in the image.
SHAPE:Shape in image does not mean shape of an image but it means that shape of a particular region or an object. Segmentation and edge detection are prominent tech- niques that can be used in shape detection
Similarity Measurement :A similarity measurement is always selected to find how similar the two vectors are. The problem can be converted to computing the discrepancy between two vectors x,y ∈ Rd. There are three distance measurements: Euclidean, Mahalanobis, and chord distances
Using Color
Comparison between Color Histogram
Proposed Architecture
Using Viola-Jones framework we have implemented detection for several object
Thank you :)