General-purpose, lightweight HTTP client
Automatically adds GZip compression
Highly configurable
From ICS, it has response caching
Also supports conditionally cached responses
For Gingerbread and above this should be the better choice
Attempt alternate address
Follow up requests
Retrying Requests
Simultaneous Requests
OkHttp doesn't currently offer asynchronous APIs to receive a response body in parts.
Scheduling of network requests
Volley is not suitable for large download or streaming operations, since Volley holds all responses in memory during parsing
Volley vs Ok Http
OkHttp is an modern, fast and efficient Http client which supports HTTP/2 and SPDY and acts as the transport layer
Volley is a REST client that makes easy common networking tasks.
Retrofit turns your REST API into a Java interface.
The request method and relative URL are added with an annotation
Adding a return type to a method will make it synchronous, while adding a Callback will allow it to finish asynchronously with success or failure.
Automatic memory and disk caching.
Adapter re-use is automatically detected and the previous download canceled.A request will be retried three times before the error placeholder is shown.
Resources, assets, files, content providers are all supported as image sources.
Purgeable Bitmaps
Image loader pipeline
Support for progressive Images
Supports animations
Optionally we can use okHttp as the transport Layer