
Microservice Ecosystems

Test Automation

Class/Unit Tests

Integration Tests

Class/Unit + Integration

Risk vs Effort

Service Tests

Consumer Driven
Contract Test

Service Test
+ Contract Test

Risk vs Effort

System Test

System Test

Risk vs Effort

End-to-End Tests

End-to-End Tests

Risk vs Effort

Continuous Delivery &

Exploratory Testing

Martin Fowler


I would consider it a red flag if a team isn't doing exploratory testing at all - even if their automated testing was excellent.

Even the best automated testing is inherently scripted testing - and that alone is not good enough.

November 18th 2019

Elisabeth Hendrickson

to push even harder

look past what you expect

as soon as you think of a test

interesting things to vary and interesting ways in which to vary them

Simultaneously designing and executing tests to learn about the system, using your insights from the last experiment to inform the next.



Charter template from "Explore It!"
by Elisabeth Hendrickson

What kind of information are you hoping to find?






consistency of design

violations of a standard


What resources will you bring with you?
a tool
a data set
a technique
a configuration
an interdependent feature

Where are you exploring?

a feature

a requirement

a module

Explore <target>

with <resources>

to discover <information>

How long is this supposed to take?

often implicit


Charter Template from "Tips for Writing Better Charters for Exploratory Testing Sessions"
by Michael D. Kelly

What could go wrong?

functionality is wrong

usability is bad

not accessible


What am I testing?

a feature

a requirement

a module

My mission is to test <risk>

in the context of <coverage>


within <timeframe>

Good Charters,
Bad Charters

Experiment with invalid values when updating customer addresses.

Find ways that a valid order modification might fail.

My mission is to test SQL vulnerabilities


in the context of the search form.

Explore the registration form

with common XSS injection strings

to discover XSS attack vulnerabilities

Too broad

you will never be finished

Too narrow

actually a test case

Explore the address form

with the name "Søren Anderson"

to discover if scandinavial letters are handled correctly

Explore every input field in the shop

with every security tool you can find

to discover security issues

Explore the behavior of the basket button

with various interaction types and speeds

to discover unintended side effects

unexpected data transfer

subtle UI changes

$> psql
$> watch ls

unexpected filesystem or database activity

unexpected system load

Look past what you expect or hope to find

Notes to Take

My mission is to explore the checkout process

for side effects caused by parallel activity in a different tab.

My mission is to explore the checkout process

for side effects caused by browser navigation.

setup steps

things to be documented

things to be automated

open questions

possible new charters

found bugs

confidence factor
on coverage of the stated risk

actual time for testing

confidence level


  • Fail-safe vs Safe-to-fail
  • Observability
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