Bence Bakó, Adam Glos, Özlem Salehi, Zoltán Zimborás
$$H(s) = -\sum_{i,j}J_{ij}s_is_j - \sum_i h_i s_i$$
\(H(t) = (1-t/T) \:H_{\rm mix} + t/T\: H\)
\(T\) very large
very slow evolution
$$|p,r\rangle = \prod_{i=1}^k \exp(-\mathrm{i} p_iH_{\rm mix})\exp(-\mathrm{i} r_iH) |+^n\rangle $$
\(H(t) = (1-t/T) \:H_{\rm mix} + t/T\: H\)
mixer: \(X_iX_j + Y_iY_j\)
$$|p,r\rangle = \prod_{i=1}^k \exp(-\mathrm{i} p_iH_{\rm mix})\exp(-\mathrm{i} r_iH) |+^n\rangle $$
no. gates bounded by the number of degrees of freedom in the problem (for example number of possible edges in Max-\(K\)-Cut)
\(H = - \sum_{i,j}w_{i,j}Z_i Z_j - \sum_i w_i Z_i\)
lowerbounded by number of gates over number of qubits
Linear Nearest Neighbour
Better: From Hoeffding Theorem
State-of-the-art from VQE for \(H = - \sum_{i,j}w_{i,j}Z_i Z_j - \sum_i w_i Z_I\)
\(|\psi \rangle \mapsto 011\ldots0 \mapsto\) solution value
difference between max-min energies
\(O(n^2)\) gates on LNN!
\(b_i \leftarrow \frac{1-s_i}{2}\)
This is AND operations!
Let's go with a harder problem - Travelling Salesman Problem!
$$ A\sum_{t} \left(\sum_v b_{tv} -1\right)^2 + A\sum_{v} \left(\sum_t b_{tv} -1\right)^2 + B\sum_{t} \sum_{v,w} W_{v,w}b_{t,v}b_{t+1,w}$$
Time 2
City 3
We need to include cost matrix \(n\) times
None of the encodings matches the "natural optimal" value, ...
..., but none can! We repeated \(O(n^2)\) degrees of freedom \(n\) times - \(O(n^3)\) gates
MTZ ILP an exceptions as variables are not "time to city" but "city to city"
It almost matches!
GM-QAOA clearly better!
...but at a price
The idea can be generalized, so far we managed to use it for
Very difficult for general graph!
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