eXtreme Testing

Advanced Automated Testing




License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

About me

  • Generalist - Jack of all trades, master of none
  • developer - free software contributor
  • Twisted Matrix Core Dev
  • tiny size entrepreneur

About you

Do you need eXtreme?

  • Have tests running on more than one platform
  • Have more than 1000 tests for a project
  • Have more than 50% in code coverage
  • All tests are now passing on master/trunk
  • A in bug production will cost more than $1000
  • Testing is alwasy neede, but not to the eXtreme

100% hard coverage on all testing code

  • Make sure skipped tests are executed on some systems
  • Move any todo code in a ticket … keeps the code clean, and tests which are always skipped will decay
  • Include in the report any testing helpers
  • 100% on all assertion, write tests for custom assertion to make sure that they indeed work
  • Enable and enforce branch coverage.
  • Coverage will also help manage the size of the code by identifying unused code/branches.


Enforce the tests (part1)

  • Don’t merge until all tests are green (slow or fast)
  • Nightly runs on master / post commit on master to double check that master is safe
  • Don’t merge until all tests were executed - 100% test coverage. Run all tests before merge.
  • Tests which are always skipped have no use, and like code without usage, they should be removed.
  • Is less painful to fix a test before merge, than fixing post-commit after 1 week with test failing due to multiple merges.

Enforce green tests (part 2)

  • Failures on master will show as failures in all branches and developers will have to put extra work to check if the failures are due to their changes.
  • A builder which will always fail will just be ignored, and if you ignore a test, then why waste resource running it.
  • Tests which are always failing are viral :)
  • Fix tests before the merge. Is less painful than fixing post-commit after 1 week with test failing due to multiple merges.
  • Better skip on conditions or remove a tests which is always failing... easy with good tech-debt practices

Failing functionality

  • Don't just fix the code and go
  • Even if the bug looks minor, take it serious
  • Write tests for all bugs, they might reveal big issues
  • For well-written code, even small bugs signal serious design issue.
  • Start by writing automated test to reproduce
  • Write automated tests at lower level
  • Valid for manual tests for functional test

Versioned testing data

  • Keep testing data in memory - as variable as close as possible to the code (RSA keys or other things that take long to compute)
  • Keep any test data files in the same repo. Load them before test start
  • Keep external test data for life and versioned.
  • Docker for managing external dependencies, versioned images.
  • External DB to work with prefix, and data generated at start of test.
  • You can always go back at older revision and know that test data is in sync.


Manage the size of the code

  • Soon will get to 25% production code and 75% testing code
  • Write tests only for functionality that you need and implement on that functionality. 
  • Extract common testing code and write parametric tests based on the extracted code
  • Avoid writing tests for private things.
  • Write tests as high as possible. As long as they are fast and coverage is complete.
  • Write at least one integration test for one happy path and one error path.
  • Get rid of setUp / tearDown, use helpers and cleanups

Manage the time tests are executed

  • You will spend 40% (at most) writing production code and 40% writing and 20% waiting for tests to execute
  • Get familiar with parallel tasks
  • Run tests as fast as you can and as parallel as you can / afford
  • Average of 15 tests per second, with 5000 tests you get at 5 to 6 minutes.
  • Fast tests run at 50 tests per second, with 3500 of them you get 1 minute.


Run tests the smart way

  • Have a quick run, with test that are fast or fail often. Should run in less than 1 minute.
  • Be able to run a single test (subset) on the CI system, without a commit… this read: get rid of easy to use Travis CI and switch to Buildbot and buildbot-try
  • Get each builder to have a separate test run report. You can trigger a rebuild just for that builder.
  • Run tests in stages. Fast tests and high probable to fail first.


Don't setUp / tearDown

  • Use helper methods to create fixtures for each test
  • Use `addCleanup` to call code at the end of a test
  • Will result in tests which less dependent
  • Will make the test self contained (no need to read in other parts to see how it is arranged) 
  • With code coverage reporting is much easier to detect leftover code after test refactoring

Check for side effects and leak resources

  • Tear-down which check that system is clean (filesystem, db, docker, network sockets)
  • Set-up which will hook into notification system and will make sure any notification is handled by the test.
  • (preaching) Snapshot before and after test to make sure no objects are left... not doing this since is slow

Don’t use mock

  • Write your own simple implementation… more work, but you get strict code
  • Look for fully functional memory implementation: sqlite, ldaptor
  • Write your production code to handle in memory / fast operations
  • Prefer composition, so that you can inject a simple implementation


Monitor the tests

  • Have augmented test runner which measures both inner and outer running time. (Only test or test+setup+teardown)
  • Augment the test definition to mark tests which are expected to be slow
  • 100% coverage to make sure no test is always skipped. Tests which are not executed will decay
  • (preaching) Monitor test failure rate. Split tests which are slow and seldom fail and run them only after fast and often failing tests are executed.

That was is

Questions / Comments

Thanks for your time!



Moderate TDD (2016)


More than Unit Testing (2013)


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