Course Outline + Course Plan for Week 1
P5JS is a JavaScript software library that makes creative coding easy, accessible, and provides much of the required utility to achieve it. Some of the things I have made with P5JS - the keyword here is Sketching:
A simple web editor in which we can explore ideas with code. Main tool that students will use.
Makes Typography Easy
Prototyping ideas and then realizing them.
Poster Design
Same code generates a variety of different outputs - that revolve around a central theme.
Assuming a Monday - Wednesday - Friday schedule:
Depending on how week 1 goes we can adjust the pace of the material, and see if the proposed material for Week 2 & Week 3 makes sense (if it's too difficult or too easy).
During the supplementary session I can either show some additional examples, reiterate on the course material, or introduce some other topics that are exciting to the students.
For the final project the students should make an original sketch of their own to be presented at the DiGen Gallery after completion of the course. Maybe a central topic or theme could be helpful to this end.