Ce.Se.N.A. (CeSeNA Security Network and Applications) is an Italian Cyber-Security and Hacking team
It’s mainly composed by undergraduate students attending degree of Ingegneria e Scienze Informatiche course
Our aim is to study, understand and deepen Software Security, both in Network and Application side:
Operation with the intent of studying themes like Reverse Engineering and Exploitation on ARM architectures
Group which role is to analyze and extend Advanced Web Attacks, using Advanced Web Exploitation techniques
Thus the subject of study are the advanced aspects of typical web attacks, usually studied by CeSeNA during its (horizontal) weekly meeting, but examined on a more detailed level
Group focusing on Digital Forensics, particularly concentrating on every theme related to Memory Forensics in Windows environment
A group that was born with the purpose of studying some aspects, specific of Red Teams Operations and Penetration Testing
Group studying Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security context
The objective is to make use of search algorithms, classification algorithms, etc.. applied to Cyber Security
This Operation has a dual purpose:
They let us improve a lot and exchange, interact and discuss with other brilliant people from all over the world
Capture the Flag (CTF) is a special kind of information security competition
There are two common types of CTF:
Jeopardy-style CTF is made of a collection of challenges:
Attack-Defense is another kind of competitions, where:
We like the Hackish culture:
Current definition of a Hacker in the Jargon File:
haxor (= hacker)
suxx0r (= who sucks): it's typically attributed to script-kiddies
Black-hat hackers violate computer security for personal gain, such as:
A black-hat hacker who finds a new, zero-day security vulnerability would sell it to criminal organizations on the black market or use it to compromise computer systems
A Gray Hat hacker may sometimes violate laws or typical ethical standards, but does not have the malicious intent, typical of a Black Hat hacker
When they discover a vulnerability, instead of telling the vendor how the exploit works, he or she may offer to repair it for a small fee
Their goal is to learn hacking techniques just for
increase the personal knowledge and for having fun!
They don't care about the hat you are wearing
IO SmashTheStack topic: take off your hats and lets corrupt some memor-y-ies
You need to change your way of thinking:
If you are curious about what we are doing, feel free to contact us at cesena.team@gmail.com
We usually meet every week, sharing write-ups, knowledge, challenges and interesting experiences..
If you like our activities and you want to contribute come aboard!
You can join CeSeNA whenever you want!