
Rapid Prototyping with Unity

Alexander Anich

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Rapid Prototyping with

Alex Anich

  • Engineer at Comprend.io
  • Human
  • DevLeague Legend

Who am I?

Want to develop a game?

Not an artist?


Not a programmer?

Not a problem.

    If you still want to code or design, this is can still be applicable.

What we'll be covering

  • Main Focus:
    • Unity Asset Store
    • Basic Animations / Animators
  • Other things:
    • Colliders
    • Re-purposing code/assets
    • Component references


  • ​Not included:
    • ​Scripting (although there is some involved)
    • Game Design
    • Production/Commercial Game Dev

What we'll be making

A simple jumping game. (like doodle jump)

Lets Dive In!

Asset Store Links


1. Unity 5.4+

2. Internet Connection

3. Internal Suffering (optional)

The Plan

Step 1: Player Controller & Platforms

  1. Find platformer controller on Asset Store
  2. Import Package
  3. Run Scene
  4. Move Folders into main Asset Folder
  5. Inspect code

Step 2: A better character

  1. Find character and animations on Asset Store
  2. Import Package
  3. Replace Components on Player Character (sprite Renderer, animator)
  4. Save Prefab
  5. Test it out

Step 3: Animations

  1. Open Animation Controller
  2. Animator Flow
  3. Add Parameters
  4. Edit Script to change parameters on input change
  5. Add Animator to Prefab
  6. Test it out

Step 3: Animations (cont)

Animator parameters:
    - isJumping
    - horizontalSpeed
// variable declarations

private Controller controller;

private Animator anim;
private SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;
// references
private void Start() {
    anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
    spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();

Step 3: Animations (cont)

// updates
private void Update() {
    anim.SetFloat("horizontalSpeed",    Mathf.Abs(velocity.x));

    if (velocity.y > 0f)
        anim.SetBool("isJumping", true);
    } else
        anim.SetBool("isJumping", false);
    if (velocity.x > 0f)
        spriteRenderer.flipX = false;
    } else
        spriteRenderer.flipX = true;

Step 4: Environment

  1. Find a nice environment package
  2. Import Package
  3. Replace Components on Platform Prefabs
  4. Edit the Map
  5. Test it out



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