Papa Elon
"Spend less time on finance, spend less time in conference rooms, less time on PowerPoint and more time just trying to make your product as amazing as possible. Be an absolute perfectionist about the product you make or the services provided. If you don’t love it, don’t expect others will, either."
Welcome to Imaginationland
peace of mind
Product Imaginationland
- Named Mr. Olympia 7 times, beating out the Incredible Hulk
- Became a famous action movie hero despite the fact that nobody could understand him
- Marries a Kennedy
- Runs for and becomes governor of a state he can't even pronounce
For each product or service, think about:
- Short and long-term
- Members vs non-members
- Promotion, awareness, member enrichment
- What does success look like?
- What are the biggest barriers to achieving the goal?
- Market anticipations
Marketing refines your goals, groups them into categories, recommends campaigns, timelines, targets, channels, etc., to answer the question, "How can this goal be most effectively achieved?"