Alexander W. Winkler Farbod Farshidian Diego Pardo Michael Neunert Jonas Buchli
Robot and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2017
(Capture Point)
(Capture Point)
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
M. Kalakrishnan et al, “Learning, planning, and control for quadruped locomotion over challenging terrain,” IJRR, 2010
J. Pratt et al, “Capture point: A step toward humanoid push recovery,” in Humanoids, 2006.
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
M. Kalakrishnan et al, “Learning, planning, and control for quadruped locomotion over challenging terrain,” IJRR, 2010
J. Pratt et al, “Capture point: A step toward humanoid push recovery,” in Humanoids, 2006.
Youtube: "animal gaits for animators"
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
S. Kajita et al, “Biped walking pattern generation by using preview control of zero-moment point,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2003.
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
M. Kalakrishnan et al, “Learning, planning, and control for quadruped locomotion over challenging terrain,” IJRR, 2010
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
(under review for ICRA/RAL 2018)
F. Farshidian
D. Pardo
M. Neunert
J. Buchli
A. Winkler
Paper, Video and Presentation:
Reduce heuristics by simultaneously optimizing over body motion and footholds
Vertex-based ZMP-constraint formulation allows to uniformly handle point-, line- and area-contacts
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
Alexander W. Winkler et al.
[1] F. Aghili, “A unified approach for inverse and direct dynamics of constrained multibody systems based on linear projection operator: Applications to control and simulation,” IEEE T-RO, 2005.
[2] M. Mistry, J. Buchli, and S. Schaal, “Inverse dynamics control of floating base systems using orthogonal decomposition,” IEEE ICRA, 2010
Cartesian \(\to\) Joint:
Joint+Contacts \(\to\) Torque \(^{[1,2]}\):