
Tools for League of Legends ranked games

League of Legends ?!

  • Online strategy game

  • 5v5 teams

  • 133 champions

  • Most played video game today

  • 100M+ monthly active players (67M in Jan. 2014)
  • Played across the world (Europe, North America, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, Turkey...)
  • 27M daily players in 2014 (42M today ?!)

Value proposition

  • Help players to improve their gameplay by providing useful data on their ranked games
  • Help players choose the best champions to win according to their own match history

Distribution Channel

  • Website

  • Mobile use is important

Revenue Streams

  • Paid apps/sites are forbidden by Riot Games

  • 3 revenue streams are allowed 


  1. Ads

  2. Paid removal of Ads

  3. Donations

Key activities



  • front end webapp 

  • back end server 

  • marketing + learning with analytics

Key resources

Riot Games API (currently dev key)


  • Riot Games (can grant/revoke access to API at all time)

  • Youtubers / streamers / specialized websites for promotion

Cost structure

  • axed on limited hosting costs

Tech Stack




Next steps

  • get production API key
  • work on main feature : champion pick
  • release a first version then improve based on alanytics data
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