Introduction to linkerd

What is linkerd?

What is linkerd?

Service mesh

Distributed applications

What is it actually?

  • Layer 5 proxy
    • speaks HTTP, Thrift, HTTP/2, gRPC, etc (not raw TCP)
    • Deals with requests/responses
  • Based on Finagle
  • Runs as a sidecar process, nt a library

Ok but why?

  • Service discovery
  • Load balancing - reduce tail latency
  • Retries - improve success rate
  • Circuit breakers - improve resilience
  • Metrics and Tracing - observability
  • Other stuff - transport security, timeouts, deadlines, dynamic routing, per-request routing, ...

Ok but why?

  • Network communication is complicated
  • Apps shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel
  • Libraries are language specific

Service mesh

Client side load balancing

  • Power of two choices (P2C): Least Loaded
  • Power of two choices (P2C): Peak EWMA
  • Aperture: Least Loaded
  • Heap: Least loaded

Client side load balancing

How it works

Dtabs (delegation tables)

  • lists of routing rules
  • take a list of logical paths and transform them to an actual path
  • Bullet Three


  • Take the path following them and convert it to an address
  • After a namer is run routing is considered complete


/iceCreamStore    => /smitten;
/smitten/try      => /smittenLocation/waitInLine/thenTry;
/smittenLocation  => /sanfrancisco/octavia/432;
/california       => /USA/CA;
/sanfrancisco     => /california/SF;

An actual example

/svc => /#/io.l5d.consul/dc1;

Routing in depth



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