Why you should use Typescript

Transpiled languages add features
  • ES2015 is not supported but we can use it through transpilation
  • allthough not a standard async/await is usable via babel + regenerator
Transpiled languages are free to innovate
  • CoffeeScript is trying to bring a rubyesque syntax to the browser
  • ClojureScript adds a lisp to the browser
  • Elm is bringing sound functional reasoning and strict typing to the browser

Why not just JavaScript?

What's wrong with JavaScript?

  • Loose typing
  • Lack of modularity
  • Verbose patterns (e.g. IIFE)

What's good about JavaScript?

  • It's everywhere
  • Huge amount of libraries
  • Extremely flexible

TypeScript Wishlist

  • Scalable HTML5 client side development
  • Modular development
  • Easily learnable by backend developers
  • Non invasive (reuse existing libs, browser support)
  • Long term vision
  • Clean JS output

Strenghts of TypeScript

  • Familiarity
  • Support and toolchain improvements
  • Near total JavaScript interop

TypeScript Features

  • Superset of JavaScript
  • Optionally typed
  • Compiles to ES3/ES5 using "the good parts"
  • No special runtime
  • ES6 and ES7 now
  • Supports JSX

Tooling support

  • Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code and WebMatrix
  • Eclipse and NetBeans
  • IntelliJ Idea, WebStorm and PhpStorm
  • Atom
  • Sublime Text
  • Emacs and Vim
  • Brackets
  • Plugins for grunt, gulp, maven...
  • TSLint
  • and more...

Getting started

$ npm install -g typescript
$ mv mycode.js mycode.ts
$ tsc --outDir out mycode.ts

May even find problems in existing JS

Primitive types

  • Boolean
  • Number
  • String
  • Symbol
  • Enum
  • Null
  • Undefined
  • Any
  • Void
    • subtype of any
    • supertype of null and undefined

Advanced types

  • Object
    • Classes
    • Interfaces
  • Array
  • Tuple
  • Function
  • Union types
    • var x: number | string = 0
    • a union type allows the value to be one of the input types
  • Intersection types
    • var f: ((x: number) -> void) & (x: string -> void);
    • Intersection types are well suited to mimic function overloading


  • Functions are the building blocks of any application in JavaScript
    • Named functions
    • Anonymous functions
  • All function parameters have to be provided
  • There are optional, default and rest parameters
  • TypeScript supports function overloading
  • TypeScript supports lambdas
    • Lambdas solve problems with the correct `this` bindings

Classes and Interfaces

  • TypeScript has a structural type system
  • TypeScript focuses on the 'shape' that values have
  • Interfaces have no run-time representation
  • Support optional parameters
  • TypeScript supports the ES6 class based OOP
  • Public, protected and private members
    • All properties are public at runtime
  • ​Each member is public by default
  • Static members are always public
  • TypeScript does not support multiple inheritance
  • TypeScript supports local types


  • Decorators provide a way to add both annotations and a meta-programming syntax for classes and members
  • Class decorators
  • Method decorators
  • Accessor decorators
  • Property decorators
  • Parameter decorators


  • Based on the ES6 module spec
  • Provide module level scoping of variables
  • Simplify code re-use
  • Provide encapsulation
  • DRY
  • Provide ease of testing
  • TypeScript supports namespaces for even better code organisation
  • Output formats: CommonJS, UMD, AMD

Syntax sugar

  • let and const declarations
  • for .. of statement
  • templated strings (`2 + 2 = ${2 + 2}`)
  • spread operator
    • var [x, y, ...remaining] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
  •  ES6 generators (yield)
  • async/await for ES6 targets (Node V4+)
  • ES7 exponentiation operator (**, **=)

Future of TypeScript

  • async/await support for ES3/ES5
  • Allow capturing let/const in loops for ES3/ES5
  • Flag unreachable code
  • Recognise prototype assignments in JavaScript files
  • Extract information from JSDoc in JS files
  • Non nullable types
  • More on the roadmap
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