Have everything ready: slides, wi-fi, demo, offline/cached
Drink water, eat, physical exercise if possible :)
Warm up your voice, exercise, but not too much
Power posing :)
Switch to speaking mode, not reading mode
Sync with the event? How were the talks so far?
Introduce yourself, be excited about your talk!
Make people curious, engaged
Don't play all your aces in the first hand
Eye contact, how?
Your body is not there to transport your head!
Watch your breath
Positioning: teaching vs preaching
Interact with the audience: show hands, rhetorical q.
Drink water if needed, stop for a sec if needed
Fighting anxiety, be prepared for the worst
Keep a close eye on your time and sync points
Always end on a high note!
Circularity is nice, bring back initial arguments
Include: call to arms, inspirational wisdom, etc.
Don't be rigid, invite people for follow-up