Incomming Preparation Seminar
A (relatively) small reflection of the world's problems, their correlations, their effects in Mexico, and how to solve them.
Premises for the Session
7 ½ billion people ~ 266 Births per minute
Instead of attacking the structural causes of World Hunger, the importance of the problem has tried to be reduced.
Corporate interests generally overlook the population's health, focusing on the maximization of revenue.
Global Priority | $ USD bn | Global priority | $ USD bn (additional) |
Cosmetics in US | 9 | Basic education for all | 6 |
Ice cream in Europe | 11 | Water and sanitation for all | 9 |
Pet food in US | 17 | Basic health and nutrition | 13 |
Cigarrettes in Europe | 50 | ||
Military spending worldwide | 780 |
Interpersonal violence and political violence tend to be increasingly interrelated, particularly where institutions are weak and social norms have become tolerant of violence.
Costs of corruption worldwide:
As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.
-Nelson Mandela
Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world