Summer plan
Background Guides
> Hist & PD Sim Outline
> Core of Committees / Cabinets defined and primerized
> Core of topics defined and primerized
> COS: uses (and needs) sim information during interviews
> Comms: Selected Committees and master list
> Media & IPD: Main thematic ideas will come from whatever Kali's and Sisel's teams do in summer
> Admin: Question: How will content matters be handled with FAs?
> Be consistent and professional with feedbacks
> Comply with dates:
Two-part assignment:
1. First Batch sent late July --> Ready early October
2. Second batch sent early September --> Ready early December
COS: Tracks progress, and makes sure workload is not too heavy
Comms: Staffers participate in BG creation
Protocol: Staffers might also help out
Media/Ops: webpage design*(?) and homogenous format
> Create a memo task force w/CIMUN
> Same as with BG: compliance and professionalism
Potential dates (might change with CIMUN task force):
1. Sent early December --> Ready late January
COS: Tracks progress, and makes sure workload is not too heavy
Comms: Staffers participate in Memo creation
Protocol: Staffers might also help out
Ops: La concatenación mágica