Alexis Langlois-Rémillard
ScaDS.AI Leipzig, MPI-MiS
2023-07-07, QTMC, London
Joint work with Mia Müßig and Érika Roldán-Roa
The concept of domination, and more generally of graph theory, started in recreation and military problems.
It has been studied by some of the greatest mathematicians and is a lively and hard topic.
We will go over some of these motivating problems
Euler (1706–1783)
8 queens problem
Place 8 queens on the chessboard so that they cannot threaten each others. How many solutions are there?
5 queens problem
Place 5 queens on the chessboard to threaten all squares.
Conjecture (Hedetiemi ~1992)
The domination number grows monotonously with n.
Primer on graph theory
Graph: (V,E), set of vertices V and set of edges E.
Bipartite: The vertices divide in two sets with edges only between the two sets.
Planar: the graph can be placed with edges that do not cross.
Primer on graph theory Graph G=(V,E)
Clique: A subset of vertices all connected to each others
Coclique: A subset of vertices with no edge between them
Domination: find a subset of vertices to which all vertices are attached.
Chess graph
Choose a piece. The vertices are the square of the chessboard, and there is an edge between two vertices if the piece can travel between the two.
Converting problems into graph
We will study those problems for queen and rook graphs on slightly different chessboards.
Some notation
MinDom(I)R: minimal (independent) domination on rook graph.
MinDom(I)Q: minimal (independent) domination on queen graph.
MaxR: maximal coclique on rook graph.
MaxQ: maximal coclique on queen graphs.
Some results on chessboard of size n
MinDom(I)R: trivial (n rooks);
MinDom(I)Q: unknown;
MaxR: trivial (n rooks);
MaxQ: easy (n queens after n≥4, an explicit solution for each n was given by Emil Pauls in 1873)
1) A polyomino is a connected set of edge-connected tiles.
2) A rook moving on an infinite chessboard defines a polyomino.
The generalisation to dimension d.
1) a set of face-connected hypercubes.
Queen and rook movement
A rook moves through faces. A queen moves through all intersections (in 3D: faces, edges and vertices).
Example: link rook link queen
Domination on polycubes
Define the graph on polycubes. Only concern: you cannot jump.
We will study the MinDomR/Q and MaxR/Q problems on polycubes.
One change:
We cannot say how many will be necessary knowing only the number of tiles of the polycube
Proposition (Alpert–Roldán-Roa)
Proposition (Alpert–Roldán-Roa)
Proof 1:
Proposition (Alpert–Roldán-Roa)
Proof 2:
We will quantify how hard the problem is instead.
There is a polynomial algorithm.
Proposition (A–RR 2021 and LR–M–RR 2022)
MinDomR and MinDomQ are NP-complete.
So it's hard. Let's test how!
Proposition (A-RR 2021)
MaxR is in P on polyominoes
The rook chess graph is claw-free
One can find coclique in claw-free graph in polynomial time
Thus MaxR is in P
Question (A-RR 2021)
What is the complexity of MaxR/Q on polycubes of dimension d≥3?
Proposition (LR-M-RR 2022)
MaxR and MaxQ are NP-complete on polycubes of size d≥3.
Proposition (LR-M-RR 2022)
MaxR/Q are NP-complete on polycubes of size d≥3.
Easy. Given a proposed placement, we check that everything is covered and it grows only polynomially with the size of the board.
Proposition (LR-M-RR 2022)
MaxR and MaxQ are NP-complete on polycubes of size d≥3.
2) Reduce to a known NP-complete problem
This is harder. We go for P3SAT3
We will go from an instance of P3SAT3 to a rook domination problem on polycubes.
We need:
x1∨x2 or xˉ1∨xˉ2
1. X an instance of P3SAT3
2. Construct polycube P(X)
3. From the gadgets, we know its guarding number N will respect:
4. The instance is true if and only N=M+xClause. (All clauses are true.)
Sanity check: is the polycube too big?
We encoded this as an Integer Linear Programming instance and used the methods of Huangfu and Hall 2018, Math. Program. Comp. to obtain an efficient solver.
A word on queens
Convex Polyominoes
A word on queens
The game