Hybrid Mobile App Development with PhoneGap

About Me

Lead Developer at Social Design House.

Adjunct Professor at Winthrop University

Instructor for Charlotte's Girl Develop It! Chapter

Types of Mobile Apps


  • Written in Objective-C (iOS) or Java (Android)
  • Generally have the best performance
  • Can utilize all device functionality
  • Can be distributed via iTunes App Store and Google Play


  • Written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Saved to phone by user from website
  • Cannot be distributed via iTunes App Store or Google Play
  • Generally the easiest to make
  • Limited device functionality (gestures, orientation change, camera, geolocation, etc.)


  • Written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Can be distributed via iTunes App Store and Google Play
  • Slightly better access to device functionality than HTML5 Apps (this varies by framework)
  • Generally slower than native apps

Hybrid Approach Drawbacks


Lack of Native UI Elements

Lack of Native Gestures

Complications with Version Changes

So why would use it?



Low Barrier to Entry

Let's Build Something

Weather Forecast

We'll be using the device's geolocation API and the forecast.io API to get the current weather conditions and a 7-day forecast for the user's current* location.

* Because we'll be doing this in the iOS simulator, the location will be registered in San Francisco instead of pulling in our current location.
