Hunting Compact Objects with Gaia

Almog Yalinewich 20.12.20

Plan of the Talk

  1. Background
  2. Motivation
  3. Population Synthesis
  4. Results
  5. Conclusion


Stellar Evolution

Compact Object Detection Methods

X ray binaries ~60 BHS, 30 NSs

Credit: Serena Repetto's thesis

Gravitational Lensing

13 candidates from OGLE III, few others

Gravitational Waves

Black Hole Detection Methods

Spectroscopic binary ~2

Thompson et al 2018

Neutron Star Detection Methods

Magnificent seven

RXJ 18565-3754

Neutron Star Detection Methods

Pulsars > 2000

PSR B1919+21

Neutron Star Detection Methods

Magnetars ~ 30

Mass Limits

Chandrasekhar mass

\approx 1.4 M_{\odot}

TOV limit

\approx 3 M_{\odot}

Rapid rotation


Empiric value

\approx 2.3 M_{\odot}


Offner et al 2013


Natal Kicks

Many NS observations, almost nothing for BHs

Ng et al 2011

Common Envelope

Many NS observations, almost nothing for BHs

Ng et al 2011

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