Command line in 10 slides or less


What is the commandline?


Neat tool for giving your computer instructions.

Your computer has a name, its not just a 'computer'

$ hostname

Give it some instructions

Make a new folder directory --> mkdir


Enter into that directory --> cd


Create a new blank file in that directory --> touch "filename".extension


List all items in that directory --> ls

More on navigation

When lost in terminal world, type this --> pwd


 If you want to get out of where you are --> cd .. 


Displaying contents of a file

Display content of any file(opens different screen) --> less "filename"


 Display content(this is inline)--> more "filename"


Concatenate files and output them --> cat "filename".


Moving, copying and renaming stuff

Copy a file --> cp "filename" destination


Renaming a file --> mv "oldname" "newname"


Physically move a directory --> mv "currentlocation" "destination"




Deleting files and directories

Delete a file --> rm "filename"

Delete a directory --> rm -rf "directoryname"

That's all folks!

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