Introduction to Rails

What is Rails

  • Is ruby in practice
  • Is a tool
  • Is a framework


  • A structure for doing things in an organized manner, the term is not technical and applies to many fields especially Law.


# Example
rails new app_name

# Practical

rails new blog 

Design Pattern

  • Is a particular way of solving a recurring common problem
  • MVC


  • This is where we store the data that underlies the solution or application that we are building.
  • Holds the domain logic and business objects that interact with the database.


  • Controllers are unique in the sense that they seat in between models and views
  • In conjunction with the router, they handle the internal navigation of your rails app.

HTTP and the web


  • Request and Response
  • HTTP is stateless
  • REST - Set of commands that can modify state by visiting a particular URL
  • Resource - The state/thing that is modified by CRUD


  • Handles presentation of content to user
  • Most user interaction happens here

MVC in Practise

Where to run to after this

  1. Official rails tutorial
  2. Jumpstart will jumpstart your rails development   
  3. Rails for zombies


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