Spokane County Library District
(509) 893-8372
Google Drive
At the OSPI Website: http://www.k12.wa.us/
Google Drive folder: https://bit.ly/2A3Tt0s
CACFP 2017-2018
SFSP 201 8
SFSP 2019
CACFP 2018-2019
CACFP 2019-2020
From the OSPI Website:
At http://bestpractices.nokidhungry.org/Averaged-Eligibility-Map
Notice the color?
Notice the color?
Looking at free and reduced lunch rates
Looking at free and reduced lunch rates
Looking at free and reduced lunch rates
Looking at free and reduced lunch rates
Looking at free and reduced lunch rates
Looking at free and reduced lunch rates
Study Month- talk to OSPI about this option
Meeting the minimum nutrition qualifications:
100% fruit juice
2/3 of a cup of fruit
Sun Chips:
1.5 oz
Whole Grain Rich
1oz WGR
$4.39 + $4.62= $9.01 for 10 days
CACFP Reimbursement= $.94 per snack, $9.40 for 10 days
$8.04 for 10 days
*if you would like to serve food requiring refrigeration these are things you need
**but maybe just in Spokane County
Let me reiterate, don't discriminate. Justice For All poster must be on display in a public area of your site
The cart components:
As long as each kid takes all the snack items it is a reimbursable snack- even if they put half or more unopened items in the Goody Box.
Using CACFP money we purchased storage tubs. All the food items take up 4 shelves.
Sponsor Administrator: Me
Site Supervisor: library supervisor
Purchaser: Amber Wright, purchasing clerk
Claim submitter: Janelle, finance & accounting manager
Menu help: Shannon, FT employee at Deer Park
Handing out snack: many, trained volunteers and staff on site
I am responsible for:
You are responsible for:
CACFP: you can start/submit your first application anytime during the local school year
SFSP: Webinars happen in April, application in May.
Both programs have dedicated staff at OSPI to assist.
Be a site for another sponsor!
Be a site for supper!
Who can you tell about this?
Spokane County Library District
(509) 893-8372
And how about that Google Drive link?
(I want the kids to have food- let me help!)