Angelina's Student-Led Conference Portfolio

Cover Page

Summary of Topics:

  • Matter
  • Chemistry (Elements)
  • Earth's major spheres (geosphere, biosphere, etc.)
  • Marine Biology and Zones
  • Rocks & Minerals

My favorite part of this year's curriculum is chemistry. I liked making the Bohr models and Dot structures. This section challenged me because I had to memorize rules and elements. I think this unit will help me when I go into Chemistry in high school.

My least favorite part is rocks and minerals. The rock cycle, identifying minerals, and types of rock don't interest me. It might be because I already learned a lot about them in 6th grade.

Describe items you want to improve upon for next quarter/year

I would like to improve my time management. On some projects, like the "Where Will You Live?" project, I worked with my partner ahead of time to meet up outside of school to get the work finished. On other projects, I waited a little longer to get started on the final presentation. Although my project worked out in the end, I should have began my presentation earlier.

Describe what went well in this school year. 

I think I studied appropriately for tests and quizzes. I also took many "extra credit" opportunities. I turned in many assignments/projects ahead of the due date. I feel that my projects were presented in a creative format.

On a scale of 1 to 5...

Rate yourself on your ability to complete all the assignments for class. Why?


because I always complete the assignments on time. 

Rate yourself on your class time effort & positive contributions to class discussion(s). Why?


because I stay focused on my work and get as much done  as possible. I contribute to class discussions when I feel like I have a good point to make.

Rate yourself on your ability to work with others in class. Why?


because I work well with my project/classwork partners. My partner and I always make the best of our time together.

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