After a time of many changes, you are here where you have never been before, voices change, singing as if time were endless, a very simple figure, strong verticality . . . on instruments—percussion—etc. This is the universe to me and a first attempt after two years of searching, of celebrating it. And to reveal it to those who do not hear beyond their neighbor’s musicianship. I also hold them responsible for the situation of our not getting anywhere. They have never even dreamed that far [… ]”  

The always available tuning-in-whenever-you-want character of broadcasting appears in this scheme as a link-circle surrounding the many discrete, interruptible events within the city. Who can interrupt broadcasting—a non-discrete, continuous presence in the city—there like the weather—whether we open or shut our windows, look or do not look, it is there […] yielding its own special kind of listening, in the process of inter-acting, of evolving a course, the tuning in constantly […]

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