How did you attract/address your audience?

Marjorie Ferguson

Marjorie Ferguson created the theory that there a four main facial expressions used by models, typically females. For my model, I have used the 'invitational' facial expressions which shows mischief and links in with the genre of my magazine. This facial expression also has a sexual element to it which makes the model look appealing for men and an aspiration for women, linking with the Beauty Myth.

Naomi Wolf

Naomi Wolf's Beauty Myth states that female models in media are presented in a certain way in order to appeal to a male audience and to create a model for other women to aspire to be. Specific poses, facial expressions and costume choices all create this 'perfect' image in which my target audience will either aspire to be or be attracted to. I have applied this theory to my model as it will attract a wider audience. To do this, I used a small amount of natural make-up to enhance her facial features, and positioned her in a specific pose to appear sexually attractive. My model is an attractive young female and according to Wolf's beauty theory, models portrayed like this are used to sell products to women as they have been conditioned by patriarchal (male-dominated) society to want to be like that model of beauty. My model also appeals to a male audience as she is young and attractive.

Uses and Gratifications 

There are four main needs when it comes to uses and gratification; diversion/entertainment, personal relationships, surveillance and personal identity.


My audience will choose to read my magazine simply because they want to get away from reality and just relax. My magazine provides lots of information on music related topics which can interest the reader and take their mind away from any stress. My magazine is upbeat and casual as it discusses music themes, not world news which could prevent relaxation. My magazine also provides entertainment as well as information to please the audience, entertain them and to entice them to carry on buying RAGE.

Personal Relationships

My magazine 'RAGE' can help people with their own personal relationships as they can keep up with all the latest music, artists and music industry. They can use this information to discuss with friends, and also to create new friendships. Buying my magazine will also allow my audience to form new friendships as they can interact through the magazine's social media sites.


My audience will want to be aware of what is going on in the world around them (specifically the media world). RAGE provides information and news in order to inform the reader and keep them up to date with the latest happenings. Exclusive information, direct interviews and reviews can inform my audience and keep them up to date with the music industry, preventing them from falling behind and not knowing what the latest trends/music is.

Personal Identity

My magazine is a demonstration of how people use the media to find their own personal identity. For those who aspire to be like celebrities or famous figures, my magazine provides information about their career and lives which can help my audience relate to them. The genre of my magazine also allows my audience to create their own identity though their specific likes and dislikes, which can lead to common interests 

Colour and Genre

Throughout my magazine products I have used a deep purple/deep red colour scheme as this has significance to my musical genre. The deep colours match with the rock theme which attracts my target audience. Purple is usually seen as a feminine colour; I used this colour due to the fact the audience for music magazines is dominated by males and I wanted to draw in a female audience as well as a male audience. Doing this will widen my audience.

Thanks to extensive research I have been able to design a professional looking magazine that would appeal to lovers of rock music. My front cover is clear and well set out in addition to the ordered contents page. The main story appeals to my audience as it inspires them to be independent and encourages them to achieve their goals. The audience are able to relate to the story as they may feel they are unable to complete their own goals or dreams, and this article can inspire them to aim high and think positively about the future. My model appeals to my target audience as on the front cover she appears slightly rebellious which stereo-typically appeals to my audience. This is because my magazine appeals to quite a younger audience opposed to an older more mature audience. The model fits in with the title of my magazine 'RAGE' which again links in with the rebellious theme. The title of my magazine has connotations of rebellion and obviously the rock genre which catches the attention of my target audience. The links to social media allows my audience to engage and communicate with other people who are also interested in the magazine. In addition to this, social media is very popular with younger people, which creates a larger appeal towards my magazine.

Features which appeal to my target audience

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