
Asymmetric keys and encryption

  • Including the use of public key, private key, plain text,
    cipher text, encryption, symmetric key cryptography
    and asymmetric key cryptography
  • How the keys can be used to send a private message
    from the public to an individual/organisation
  • How the keys can be used to send a verified message
    to the public
  • How data is encrypted and decrypted, using symmetric and asymmetric cryptography
  • Purpose, benefits and drawbacks of quantum


Think Pair Share

  1. Imagine you are required to send a letter with secret information, what do you need to ensure?
  2. If you are receiving that information, what do you need to ensure?










Process of encryption

Symmetric key encryption

  • Sender and receiver are using the same algorithm
  • A key is created to encrypt the plaintext to ciphertext and send to the receiver
  • receiver use the same key and reverse the encryption process to decypher the code

Asymmetric key encryption

  • Similar to symmetric key encryption, but sender and receiver has two different keys

Receiver generate private key

Public key generated using private key

Public key sends to Sender

Sender encrypt message with public key

Ciphertext send to receiver

Decrypt message with private key

Digital signatures and digital certificates

  • How a digital certificate is acquired
  • How a digital certificate is used to produce digital


Digital Signature

  • A digital signature is used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message
  • What is authenticity and integrity means?

Discussion Time

With Digital Signature, we can asserted that the data is coming from the particular source. What is the problem with this approach?

Digital Certificate

  • A Digital Certificate is an electronic "password" that allows a person, organizaion to exchange data securely over the Internet
  • Using the public key infrastructure (PKI)
  • A Certification Authority (CA) issue this certificate

Obtaining a digital Certificate

Security in Transmission of Data

  • Followings should be ensure of:
    • Confidentiality - Only intended recipient should be able to read the message
    • Authenticity - Both sender and receiver are sure who are they communicating with
    • Integrity - Data must not be modified during transmission
  • Describe how the above 3 measures can be guaranteed using the technology/technique we mentioned before. 


  • SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and the successor TLS (Transport Layer Security)
  • Protocols for Establishing authenticated and encrypted links between computers
  • HTTP sends raw data, while HTTP/S incorporate TLS while establishing the connection

Handshake / Establish connection

Notes on SSL

  • Checking certificate is done only during handshake
  • Asymmetric key encryption is used during handshake
  • The further communication became Symmetric Encryption
    • Asymmetric key is computation expensive, while symmetric key is much simpler
    • Improve performance

HTTP/S Handshake - Note different layer of protocols involved

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