Problem-solving techniques


  • A system can be broken into smaller sub-systems
  • Which sub-systems can further breaks down
  • Sub-systems is less complex, thus easier to:
    • Create and program
    • Find mistakes and fix

Test data

Max = 0
FOR i <- 0 to 10
  INPUT Number
  IF Number > Max THEN
    Max <- Number
  END IF Next i PRINT Max

Read the following Python code:

  1. What is this program doing?
  2. How can you sure this program is functioning correctly?

Test data

  • We need to test a program to see whether it works or not
  • We need to prepare sets of test data and feed into the program
  • If all the outputs of the program is the same as our expected output then the program is good

Types of test data

Type Description Example*
Normal Valid data that the program is expected to accept it
Data that the program should reject it. If handled incorrectly sometimes may break the system
Extreme Valid data, but the data is at the boundary of normal and abnormal

*Assume we have a program that collects 3 exam scores and calculate the average

Test plan

Test Data Type of test data Expected output Actual output Remedial Action
50, 30, 40 Normal 40

*Assume we have a program that collects 3 exam scores and calculate the average

Test plan

  • A good plan is always important before you do a program
  • Include test data from different types
  • Fill in the expected output before creating your solution
  • After the program is created, fill in the actual outcome and if the actual outcome is different from expected, the Action
  • Any changes to the program should re-run the test

Trace table

  • A table used to trace the values of variables
  • Often use with dry-run
  • Helps to determine where are the errors in the code

Specimen paper 2015

Always prompt the user about what's happening!


  • Prevent errors when data is copied from one place to another (e.g. typing)
  • Data can be totally valid, but it is incorrect


  • Check the data if it satisfies criteria required by system
  • Usually done automatically by the software

Think Pair Share

Imagine you are required to input some data in an online application form. Discuss and suggest some verification methods

Verification methods

  • Visual check or proof reading
  • Double entry

Validation types

Type Description Example
Please input the score: 120
Input must between 0 and 100
Please input the score: Fifty-one
Input must be an integer
Please input the score: 85

Common validation pattern

  • Program should do the validation check, and reject any invalid inputs
  • Only accepts when the input is valid

Check digit

  • (Usually) final digit included in a code
  • Calculated from other digits in the code
  • Prevents errors from entering numbers
    • From Human entry
    • For Input devices (e.g. Barcode scanner)
  • Some examples are:
    • ISBN number
    • Your DESJ Number
    • ID Card number


  • There are 2 versions in ISBN (What is ISBN?) which are:
    • ISBN 10
    • ISBN 13
  • Research and find the formula for calculating the ISBN-13 check digit (p.123 in textbook)

Class exercise

  • Create a program (Validations) to ask user to input:
    • Student name
    • Student gender ('m' or 'f')
    • Student score
  • All inputs must be validated
  • Must properly prompt user for input and expectations
  • Print the entered data

Before you start, what is the proper validations for those data?

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