1. Declare the arrays to store student's names, marks and total score [2]
# All variables name must be meaningful
# Use camelCase or under_score style
# write in pseudocode style, e.g.
# or
2. Show two different sets of student data you could use to check the validation used in task 1. explain your choice. [2]
Ask yourself where do you need validation, what type of validation needed?
3a. In pseudocode or flowchart, complete task 1 and task 2. Do NOT include validation or prompt in your answer. [8]
b. Evaluate the efficiency of your code [1]
4. Explain how you select student with the highest total score (Task 3). Any programming statement, code or flowchart must be explained. [5]
4b. How will you program work if more than one student having the highest score?