Processor Fundamentals

Von Neumann Model

  • Modern Computer system architecture
  • Stored Program: Computer Program and data are stored in main memory rather than hard-wired in hardware
  • The CPU consists of:
    • Registers
    • Control Unit (CU)
    • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Run the "Addition" example in LMC, and write down the functions of:

  • Arithmetic Unit
  • Program Counter
  • Instruction Register
  • Address Register
  • Accumulator


  • Storage unit within the processor
  • Fastest memory in a computer system
  • Very small in size (each maybe a few bytes)
  • General purpose registers
    • store data values from main memory or results of processing
    • can be used by programmers
  • Special purpose registers
Registers Equiv. in LMC* Functions
Accumulator Accumulator General purpose, store value before and after execution of an instruction
Program Counter (PC) PC Holds the (memory) address of the next instruction to be fetched
Memory Data Register (MDR) Stored the data value fetched from the memory, temporarily
Memory Address Register (MAR) Address Register Stored the address of the memory that is about to be used by a program instruction
Current Instruction Register (CIR) Instruction Register Stored the currently executing instruction
Index Register (IX) Stores a number which will be used to change an address value
Status Register (SR) Contains "Flags" which is represented by individual bits, that show the current status of the arithmetic operation. e.g.
C - Carry
V - Overflow
N - Negative



  • Connects components within computer system
  • Including:
    • Address Bus
      • Carries address to memory, for identifying a location in the main memory
    • Data Bus
      • Carries data from main memory to processor, input and output devices
    • Control Bus
      • Carry type of control signal will occupy one wire(line) in the control bus
      • e.g. there will be a wire for "interrupt"
      • e.g. another wire will represent memory write completed etc. 

Diagram showing some buses with wires in a computer system



  • A signal to the processor generated by hardware or software
  • to flag that some event has occurred 
  • Carried in the Control bus - Each interrupt will occupy one wire in the bus
  • e.g. 
    • When there's Keyboard input
    • Printer sends message when it's out of paper
  • CPU will run some code to handle the event, usually pausing the current task
  • Resume the task once interrupt is handled

Performance of a PC

  • The "speed" of a computer is determined by many factors
  • Some of those are:
    • Clock speed
    • Bus Width

Clock speed

  • The CPU will time it's operation with a "clock", which "ticks" in a set period of time
  • e.g. modern desktop CPU is running at about 2GHz -> 2 Billion ticks per second
  • Each operation will require a certain clock cycle to complete it
  • Note the clock cycle required is different for different types of CPU, but for the same CPU architecture, the clock cycle required are fixed
  • So one way to determine speed of CPU is the clock speed

Bus Width

  • A Bus contains a number of physical wires
  • Parallel data transmission: Each wire carries one bit at the same time
  • e.g. If a CPU has 32-bit data bus and 16-bit address bus
    • The largest data each time it can transfer is 2^32
    • That also means the largest memory block it can address is 2^16
    • Assume 1 block is 1 byte, how large is the main memory?

Fetch-execute cycle

Remark Stage Register transfer notation
Fetch instruction Program Counter (PC) loaded with address of next instruction
Content of PC are copied to MAR MAR <- [PC] 
Content of PC increased by 1 PC <- [PC] + 1
Address given by MAR is located and content from main memory copied to MDR MDR <- [ [MAR] ]
Content of MDR are copied to CIR CIR <- [MDR]
Decode instruction The opcode and operand are identified
Execute instruction
Repeat the cycle if no interrupt

Refer p.87 for the flowchart, also LMC to understand more on this

Processor instructions

  • Machine code is the instruction that directly decoded by CPU, and denotes as binary values
  • Each machine code can break into Opcode (what operation) and Operand
  • Assembly Language translates (almost) 1-to-1 machine code by Assembler


LDM #33

Machine Code

0000 0001 0010 0001



0000 0001


0010 0001

Decoded instruction

Modes of addressing

Addressing Mode Operand Example
Immediate The operand is the actual number used LDM #13 Load Number 13 to accumulator
Direct Operand is the address of the value LDD 56
Load the content in Address 56 into accumulator, that means, so accumulator will have 89 in this case
Indirect Operand is the address of the address of the content LDI 55
The content in Address 55 will be used as the address for the actual content, thus, accumulator will have 135 
Indexed Operand is added to the value of index register (IX) and resulted the address of the value needed LDX 51 and assume IX is 2

So the Accumulator will load the value from 53, which is 172 in this case
Address Content
51 54
52 135
53 172
54 201
55 52
56 89

Absolute vs Symbolic addressing

  • All addressing values in the machine code is the actual address number
    • e.g. LDD 30 will load the data in address "30"
  • We can use "symbol" to represent a physical address of the location, e.g. LDD value
    Then the assembler will calculate the offset  of this symbol from the start of the program and replace with actual address


  • Code inside assembly file, but not actual program instruction
  • Directive is instruction to the assembler and linker
  • e.g.
    • ORG 100 - Tell the assembler the program code starts from address 100, instead of 0
    • INCLUDE "FILE.LIB" - Include extra file in the program


  • Macro is similar to "procedure" where code can be reused with different supply parameters
;Define a macro called "NameOfMacro"
;Note the keyword MACRO itself is directive
MACRO NameOfMacro
;Calling macro


  • Assembler "translates" assembly code into executable machine code
  • Two-pass assembler:
    • first pass
      • assign address to all statements in the program
      • Address of symbolic labels (e.g. variable) are stored
    • second pass
      • translate opcode and operands

First pass

  • Uses a Symbol table to store name of symbols and their respective absolute address
  • Codes are parsed line after line, and the symbol table is updated accordingly
    • Label will be added / updated in table with the address of it
    • Operand using labels will be added to table with unknown address
  • Link to the simulator:

Second Pass

  • Opcode will be translated into machine code using the Operation code table
  • Operand with address label (symbolic link) will be translated to absolute address using the Symbol table done in the first pass

Bit Manipulations

  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three
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