Graphics Creation


  • Know and understand the properties of different colour systems
  • Know and understand the need for different image resolutions
  • Know, understand and select different bitmap and vector file formats

Representing graphics in computer

  • Graphics on a computer screen is composed in tiny dots call "Pixel" (Piture Element)
  • Each dot will display one single color
  • Dots are usually arranged in grid, and we call it Bitmap


  • Resolution is usually measured in number of pixels in w x h
  • e.g. Full HD image is 1920 x 1080 pixels

Colors and formats

  • Color depth and different color space
  • File formats

Color Depths

  • Bitmap graphics store the color of individual pixels
  • Color Depth is the number of bits per pixel for storing color
  • 1-bit color: Black and white (only) 
  • 8-bit color
    • Usually for Grayscale images nowadays
    • Also possible for indexed color images

1-bit image, 

notice how "Dithering" works

Usual grayscale image (8-bit)

Indexed Color Palette

  • A set of color is chosen to represent in each pixel
  • Color depth can varies, but usually for GIF is 8-bit
  • Dithering applies if not enough color to represent

Retro games use Indexed color as well

Note that it contains 16 discrete colors only


  • Usually refers to RGB color, where each component is 8 bit (such that the value range from 0-255)
  • Sometimes refer as True-color
  • More color than human can distinguish ( >16 Million)


  • RGB (24bit) is enough to represent almost all colors, but;
  • For image files, an Alpha channel (A) is added to store opacity
  • The higher the value, the more opaque (not transparent) is the pixel
  • i.e. zero in A means completely transparent
  • A is also 8 bit, making RGBA to be 32-bit color depth
  • Note JPEG file does not support RGBA, so only PNG files allows transparency


  • Hue - Saturation - Luminance
  • Hue: basically means color
  • Saturation: more saturate -> more vibrant
  • Luminance: "Lightness" of the color, the more the luminance, closer to white.

Color Wheel (Hue)

Colors for printing

  • CMYK
  • CMS

CMYK color space

  • CMYK is also 32-bit, each color contains 4 components
  • CMYK is not for screen, but for printing
  • i.e. if you are designing for printouts, the color should choose CMYK

Half-tone pattern (dots) for CMYK Printing

Color Management System

  • Different screens, printers reproduce colors differently
  • A CMS is an integrated system to enable uniform reproduction of colors from input through output
  • Color profile is created for each individual device, taking consideration of the physical characteristic, capability of the device
  • There's some industry standard color profile, so you can make sure the design looks the same across your computer to print-outs. 

Think Pair Share

  1. From your experience, what might be the problem or limitations of working with bitmap graphics (e.g. PS, Paint)?

Vector graphics

  • Instead of storing graphics information in Pixel, Vector graphics store the Instruction to reconstruct the graphic
    • e.g. In bitmap, the triangle will store as follows, but;
    • in vector, we only need to store the location of three points and lines
  • The graphics is calculated and
    redraw every time displayed
  • Redraw (or rasterized) means
    to turn the instruction to
    bitmap representation

Think Pair Share

  1. Vector graphics (Illustrator e.g.) addresses some of the problem of Bitmap graphics. What are those advantages for vector to bitmap?
  2. Did you notice some drawback or potential limitations for vector graphics? What are they?

Image File Formats

  • Bitmap:
    • .bmp - bitmap, windows' default format
    • .jpg or .jpeg - lossy compression, great for photos, common for Internet
    • .gif - 8-bit maximum, can store simple animation, supports indexed transparency
    • .tif
    • .png - supports RGBA 32-bit color depth, usually lossless, Internet standard
    • .psd - Adobe Photoshop

Image File Formats

  • Vector:
    • .svg - Scalable Vector Graphics format, Internet Standard
    • .ai - Adobe Illustrator
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