What is foundation?
Two approaches to modular css, class base and mixin based
How it can be used, how we're using it, settings
Standard, established, tested tool base with an active community
Why we set up themekit (generally)
Support componentized workflow with a standard structure
Not tell you how to build a site, but providing structure for doing so
How these work together, our implementation, setup
Mimic foundation's setup for a customized, per project mixin library (brief description, don't go into code/details)
Themekit strongly suggest (requires) some frontend and Drupal based design patterns
Theming based on specific drupal wrappers content types/paragraphs
(assets, npm, bower, themekit_assets)
npm - package manager / npm install really quick maybe
node is the base of our asset pipeline
What's it doing for us (minifying/concat)
How to read a gulpfile (what tasks are available, what are they doing)
how this factors into our workflow
bower v npm & the future
Sass documentation
Build from commented sass (show comx)
What we're working on and things we would like to do
What is it? Why do we want to use it?
How does it integrate into what we already have?
or maybe yarn...
Write for tomorrow, compile for today. Modules, new JS apis, etc.
Easily integrate other frameworks like React, Angular, etc.
Aggressive structure provides:
Maintainable projects
Extendibile projects
Clean, organized, structured projects