Raphaël Tinarrage and Anton François
Advantages and Potential Impact
Problem Definition
Locate and label brain cancers.
Have access to four modalities
Use the BraTS2021 data-set
Provide segmentation ground truth.
ET - GD enhancing tumour
ED - Peritumoural edematous/invaded tisue
NRC - Necrotic Tumour Core
as tools for Images
as tools for Images
We use the singular homology in \(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\).
Steelpillow CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
refers to the study of a certain set of algebraic invariants of a topological space \(X\), the so-called homology groups \(H_n(X)\).
Betti numbers \(\beta_i\): carry the topological interpretation
Steelpillow CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Betti numbers: carries the topological interpretation
\(H_0(X) =(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^3\): Three connected components
\( H_1(X) = (\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^2 \): two holes
8x8 pixels image
Let \(I : \Omega \rightarrow [0,1]\) be a greyscale image, the super-level set filtration is the collection \(I^t, t\in [0,1]\), where \(I_t\) is the set of pixels with intensity greater or equal to \(t\).
Thus, \(I^t \subset I^s, t \geq s\).
Persitence diagram of a Brain MRI (2D)
Slice of the SRI template (left), the persistence diagram of its superlevel set filtration (right) and its most persistent \(H_0\)-cycle (middle)
Persistence diagram of a Brain MRI (2D)
Slice of the SRI template (left and middle) with the most persistent \(H_1\) -cycles, and the persistence diagram of its superlevel sets filtration.
Persistence diagram of a Brain MRI (2D)
NRC = Necrotic Core
ET = Enhencing Tumour
ED = Edematous tissue
NRC = Necrotic Core
ET = Enhencing Tumour
ED = Edematous tissue
\(\beta_0 = 1\)
\(\beta_2 = 1\)
Pas de topologie indiquée
Step 1: Whole Tumour selection.
Step 2: ET identification
Step 3: NRC & ED identification
- Refinement -
A simple 3 steps method based on a simple model.
Step 1: Segment the whole tumour by selecting the biggest and brightest connected component.
Sum of active pixels: \(I(x) \geq t\)
Step 1: Segment the whole tumour by selecting the biggest and brightest connected component.
Step 1: Refinement. Stick to edges.
Let be \(I\) the FLAIR image, \(X\) the estimated segmentation and \(E(I)\) a Function computing edges.
edgeDice\((I,X)\) is a metric measuring the degree of edge overlap.
\( \mathrm{edgeDice}(I,X) = \mathrm{DICE} (E(I) \times E(X), E(X))\)
Step 1: Refinement. Stick to edges. + close holes.
\( \mathrm{edgeDice}(I,X) = \mathrm{DICE} (E(I) \times E(X), E(X))\)
DICE = 0.8802
Step 2: ET Identification, Find a sphere.
Step 2: ET Identification, Find a sphere.
Step 3: NCR & ED Identification, by distinguishing the outside and insides.
Qualitative Results : Good results
Qualitative results: ... and some bad results.
Database proportion :
298/1250 images : 0.238
Does not depend on statistical tools, learning etc.,
while being no match to recent Unets
A too simple model that performs well
Take home message:
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