Limited Time
or nothing
8% fee
(legal framework)
10 267%!
Simple and easy
Social Networks
Less risky
Since 2009, 7.4 million people have pledged $1 billion,
funding 73,000 creative projects. (Kickstarter)
Success rate: 40%
6 405 projects funded,
22 309 243€ raised (Ulule)
Success rate: 66%
We’re a home for everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. " (Kickstarter)
Creative, innovative,
or community-minded projects
Communicate too much: it’s never too much
It’s never finished…until it’s finished
You have the money. Say what you’re going to do with it!
Be a copy cat!
Brief introduction, basics of crowdfunding
Tips and advices to make a successful campaign
That was only an introduction...