Team Swasthya

OYS Routing System

OYS Conferencing System

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Story behind this App...

This is Prabhanshu.

He is going on a Trip.

A trip he thought during his exam.

But right now he feels chilled out and is ready for the trip without any worries.


How he did this?


Yaara helps you avoid rush;

well Yaara made this happened.


Planning His Trip

  1. He first decide his trip destination.
  2. Then he sent invites to his friends.
  3. Then he choose date of the trip.
  4. After that budget was decided.
  5. A recommendation will show him some plans based on his budget and days.
  6. They all can vote and choose the recommended plan for their trip.

Books The Conveyance and Accommodation

We gave him the checklist, notification

system to help him.

This way he can avoid rush on last hours.

Offline Information Available

Few hours later he finds no network or data.

But he is okay.

Because he has Yaara


So no network, no problem.

He has everything to know about his

vacation right on his phone.


His gang has already their trip planned by Yaara

Hang on ! They are spending a lot and randomly.


Obviously! They have Yaara


They all are happily spending, clicking their pictures and uploading them on their profile to make their memories.

Expenditure Report

He can have the total expense spent by each of his friends and how much they owe him.


With Yaara they made their vacation a success !

They can also rate the seeing sites and all the visiting places.

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