We provide a software solution as a service for remote-working employees and the companies who plans to go remote!
We ensure the workflow is up and running wherever and whenever you work!
A software that integrates:
amongst remote employees.
Don't make war make sushi!
We don't have any arm-wrestling competitors.
We don't want to fight we want to adopt their strengths into our octopus.
These awesome competitors will make our product even more awesome.
Simply we'll use their power to provide the simple and wise octopus which meets all the requirements.
We help people to build their online working environment and habits.
But..Octopus has a solution!
Low Quality
High Quality
High Price
Low Price
Go Remote
Gulcin: Comp. and Systems Eng.
Iurii: Comp. and Systems Eng.
Mariam: Comp. and Systems Eng.
Sunil: Mechatronics
Aleš: Mech. Eng. & Manag.
Murat Can: Comp. and Systems Eng.
* soon