Spatial Navigation in the Hippocampal Formation

Understanding spatial reasoning

The Hippocampal Structures

The Hippocampal Neurons

Stellate neurons

Pyramidal neurons

Granule neurons

What is a grid cell?

  • Mostly stellate neurons in EC between pyramidal neurons
  • Modulate firing within a 2D space, regardless of landmarks



  • Spacing/size of fields increase moving to ventral mEC

What is a place cell?

Source: Ryan Jones

  • Pyramidal neuron typically located in CA1 or CA3
  • Attenuate firing with changes in spatial location (one location)
  • Role in spatial learning, decision making and memory encoding

What's the difference?

Head direction, border & speed cells

Head Direction

  • Subiculum & EC


  • Entorhinal Cortex
  • Responds to changes in where the animal is looking
  • Attenuates firing as nears a barrier


  • Entorhinal Cortex
  • Increase firing with speed

How do these work together?

  • Head direction and speed cells inform grid cells
  • These three, with border cells, inform place cells
  • Project back to EC/subiculum from place cells
  • Indicate some level of feedback?
  • Hebbian learning of place cells

Rhythms of the hippocampal network


Sharp-wave ripples (SWRs)


  • ~4-12 Hz
  • ~150-250 Hz
  • Slow ~22-55 Hz
  • Fast ~60-100 Hz

Theta Oscillations

  • Formation of sequential memories
  • Allows brain to accept new information
  • Observed during activity and REM
  • Septum impacts firing in DG, CA1 & CA3
  • Theta sequences
  • Required for memory, not place fields

Gamma Oscillations

  • Slow gamma driven by CA3, fast driven by EC
  • Theta and gamma couple to each other
  • Phase-locking observed both in awake and REM
  • Fast gamma related to current trajectory and recent locations
  • Slow gamma retrieves spatial memories from CA3 network
  • Upcoming locations when re-running

Sharp Wave Ripples (SWRs)

raw LFP

ripple band filtered


CA3 propagates to CA1, to produce SWRs

Adapted from Laura Colgin

Responsible for consolidation of spatial memories

def sosfiltfilt(timeseries, *, fl=None, fh=None, fs=None, inplace=False, bandstop=False,
                gpass=None, gstop=None, ftype=None, buffer_len=None, overlap_len=None,
                # make sure that fs is specified, unless AnalogSignalArray is passed in
                if isinstance(timeseries, (np.ndarray, list)):
        if fs is None:
            raise ValueError("Sampling frequency, fs, must be specified!")
        elif isinstance(timeseries, core.RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray):
            if fs is None:
                fs = timeseries.fs
            raise TypeError('Unsupported input type!')

            assert fh < fs, "fh must be less than sampling rate!"
        except TypeError:
            assert fl < fh, "fl must be less than fh!"
        except TypeError:

        if inplace:
            out = timeseries
            out = deepcopy(timeseries)
        if overlap_len is None:
            overlap_len = int(fs*2)
        if buffer_len is None:
            buffer_len = 4194304
        if gpass is None:
            gpass = 0.1 # max loss in passband, dB
        if gstop is None:
            gstop = 30 # min attenuation in stopband (dB)
        if ftype is None:
            ftype = 'cheby2'

            if np.isinf(fh):
                fh = None
        except TypeError:
        if fl == 0:
            fl = None

        # Handle cutoff frequencies
        fso2 = fs/2.0
        if (fl is None) and (fh is None):
            raise ValueError('Nonsensical all-pass filter requested...')
        elif fl is None: # lowpass
            wp = fh/fso2
            ws = 1.4*fh/fso2
        elif fh is None: # highpass
            wp = fl/fso2
            ws = 0.8*fl/fso2
        else: # bandpass
            wp = [fl/fso2, fh/fso2] 
            ws = [0.8*fl/fso2,1.4*fh/fso2]
        if bandstop: # notch / bandstop filter
            wp, ws = ws, wp

        sos = sig.iirdesign(wp, ws, gpass=gpass, gstop=gstop, ftype=ftype, output='sos', **kwargs)

        # Prepare input and output data structures
        # Output array lives in shared memory and will reduce overhead from pickling/de-pickling
        # data if we're doing parallelized filtering
        if isinstance(timeseries, (np.ndarray, list)):
            temp_array = np.array(timeseries)
            dims = temp_array.shape
            if len(temp_array.shape) > 2:
                raise NotImplementedError('Filtering for >2D ndarray or list is not implemented')
            shared_array_base = Array(ctypes.c_double, temp_array.size, lock=False)
            shared_array_out = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base)
            # Force input and output arrays to be 2D (N x T) where N is number of signals
            # and T is number of time points
            if len(temp_array.squeeze().shape) == 1:
                shared_array_out = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base).reshape((1, temp_array.size))
                input_asarray = temp_array.reshape((1, temp_array.size))
                shared_array_out = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base).reshape(dims)
                input_asarray = temp_array
        elif isinstance(timeseries, core.RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray):
            dims = timeseries._data.shape
            shared_array_base = Array(ctypes.c_double, timeseries._data_rowsig.size, lock=False)
            shared_array_out = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base).reshape(dims)
            input_asarray = timeseries._data

        # Embedded function to avoid pickling data but need global to make this function
        # module-visible (required by multiprocessing). I know, a bit of a hack
        global filter_chunk
        def filter_chunk(it):
            """The function that performs the chunked filtering"""

                start, stop, buffer_len, overlap_len, buff_st_idx = it
                buff_nd_idx = int(min(stop, buff_st_idx + buffer_len))
                chk_st_idx = int(max(start, buff_st_idx - overlap_len))
                chk_nd_idx = int(min(stop, buff_nd_idx + overlap_len))
                rel_st_idx = int(buff_st_idx - chk_st_idx)
                rel_nd_idx = int(buff_nd_idx - chk_st_idx)
                this_y_chk = sig.sosfiltfilt(sos, input_asarray[:, chk_st_idx:chk_nd_idx], axis=1)
                shared_array_out[:,buff_st_idx:buff_nd_idx] = this_y_chk[:, rel_st_idx:rel_nd_idx]
                raise ValueError(("Some epochs were too short to filter. Try dropping those first,"
                                  " filtering, and then inserting them back in"))

        # Do the actual parallellized filtering
        if (sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('darwin')) and parallel:
            pool = Pool(processes=cpu_count())
            if isinstance(timeseries, (np.ndarray, list)):
                # ignore epochs (information not contained in list or array) so filter directly
                start, stop = 0, input_asarray.shape[1]
      , zip(repeat(start), repeat(stop), repeat(buffer_len),
                                         repeat(overlap_len), range(start, stop, buffer_len)),
            elif isinstance(timeseries, core.RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray):
                fei = np.insert(np.cumsum(timeseries.lengths), 0, 0) # filter epoch indices, fei
                for ii in range(len(fei)-1): # filter within epochs
                    start, stop = fei[ii], fei[ii+1]
          , zip(repeat(start), repeat(stop), repeat(buffer_len),
                             repeat(overlap_len), range(start, stop, buffer_len)),
        # No easy parallelized filtering for other OSes
            if isinstance(timeseries, (np.ndarray, list)):
                # ignore epochs (information not contained in list or array) so filter directly
                start, stop = 0, input_asarray.shape[1]
                iterator = zip(repeat(start), repeat(stop), repeat(buffer_len),
                               repeat(overlap_len), range(start, stop, buffer_len))
                for item in iterator:
            elif isinstance(timeseries, core.RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray):
                fei = np.insert(np.cumsum(timeseries.lengths), 0, 0) # filter epoch indices, fei
                for ii in range(len(fei)-1): # filter within epochs
                    start, stop = fei[ii], fei[ii+1]
                    iterator = zip(repeat(start), repeat(stop), repeat(buffer_len),
                                   repeat(overlap_len), range(start, stop, buffer_len))
                    for item in iterator:

        if isinstance(timeseries, np.ndarray):
            out[:] = np.reshape(shared_array_out, dims)
        elif isinstance(timeseries, list):
            out[:] = np.reshape(shared_array_out, dims).tolist()
        elif isinstance(timeseries, core.RegularlySampledAnalogSignalArray):
            out._data[:] = shared_array_out

        return out

Nelpy Filtering

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