Silly Facts About Dutch Painters

Rembrandt van Rijn


1606 - 1669


Known for

Use of light and shadow, portraits

De Nachtwacht - The Night Watch

This painting used to be much bigger.

Rembrandt was inspired by Italian painters.

Vincent van Gogh


1853 - 1890


Known for

Strong, colourful strokes

De sterrennacht

The Starry Night

There's a song about this painter and painting

Vincent lived in different countries

Piet Mondriaan


1872 - 1944


Known for

Abstract painting in

primary colours

Victory Boogie Woogie

Changed his name to Mondrian when he moved to Paris

Lived in the most expensive street of Monopoly

Mondriaan danced to Boogie Woogie at age 70, but as soon as he heard a melody he would say ‘let’s sit down’...

M.C. Escher


1878 - 1972


Known for

Impossible realities, mathematical patterns

Sky and Water I

Travel to Italy and Spain inspired him

Did not know much about maths



1922 - 2010


Known for

Spontaneous art

Orchestre Be-Bop,

Hommage à Charlie Parker

Named after a bird - member of a movement with a snake name

Inspired by travels around the world

Died in the same French village as Van Gogh

These Dutch painters had one thing in common with you: they lived beyond the

(cultural) borders of their countries.


Celebrate each other's cultures.

They will carry you to a bright future

Both paintings are
AI-generated, based on this photo, via Night Café Studio


Portrait Rembrandt by Rembrandt - Royal Collection, Public Domain,

Portrait Van Gogh by Vincent van Gogh - The Yorck Project (2002) 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202., Public Domain,

The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh - Transferred from the English Wikipedia, Public Domain,

Victory Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondrian - Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Public Domain,



Photo La Mezquita by Nicolas Vollmer from Munich [Allemagne] - Colonnes de la Mezquita, CC BY 2.0,

Sky and water by Official M.C. Escher website., Fair use,

Fragment of Le poisson et l’oiseau by Corneille, fair use, private collection

Orchestre Be-Bop, Hommage à Charlie Parker by Guillaume Corneille — archives officielles Guillaume Corneille, CC BY-SA 4.0,


Images on Slide 1 and 6 generated with AI text-to-image model SDXL Beta on Night Café Studio

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