How Dutch Are You?

5 questions to learn all there is to know about our country.

Question 1:

How many bicycles do you think our family of 4 has?

Answer 1:

9! That's more than 2 per person.

In The Netherlands the average is 1.35. so there are more bikes (23 mln) than people (17 mln) in The Netherlands.

Question 2:

How did the Dutch defend themselves from the Spanish & French?

Answer 2:

Water! They flooded the low lands.

This was very looooong ago

350 years

Now we're friends, of course.

Background info

The Dutch are very good with water

Question 3:

In which city is our King's home?

Amsterdam or The Hague?

© RVB - Corné Bastiaansen

Answer 3:

Our capital is Amsterdam but the King (and government) are in The Hague.

©RVD - Freek van den Bergh

Question 4:

What are the colours of our flag?

Answer 4

Like the French flag, our colours are
red, white and blue


So why all that orange?


Because our royal family holds the title of the principality of Orange

Final question (5):

Black or Gold?

Final question (5):

Although we love drop (licorice), the Dutch eat 10 times more cheese.

(not as much as the French, though)

Fun Fact

The most famous Dutch cheese, Gouda, contains the dutch word for gold: GOUD.

Gouda is a city, where they also make stroopwafels!

Bedankt, jullie zijn allemaal winnaars!

Thanks, you all are winners!

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