Einstein-Hilbert action
Schwarzschild solution and its Newtonian limit
That is also why we are free to add a ~Λ term
Einstein's equations
Work very well in Solar System scales, but when we extrapolate to:
The EH action is not invariant under this transformation,
however there is unique action given by
which is conformally invariant.
Supose we have a free massless fermion
Imposing invariance under local phase transformations,
Covariant derivative
gives us electromagnetism.
Similarly, if we ask the theory to be invariant under local coordinate transformations,
Lorentz transformation
we then need a new field,
, which gives us local Weyl invariance for free!
If we then evaluate Feynman's path integral, the effective action is
Conformal gravity action !
If we ignore the mass ( i.e. Higgs field), then the Standard Model is conformally invariant.
However, mass and length scale break conformal invariance. The mass is generated through the dynamics of the Higgs field
path integral formalism again...
We get a Higgs potential with the Ricci scalar being the one thats gives it the Mexican hat shape!
Unitless ----> Theory is renormalizable
If gravity is quantized, then
So the vacuum solution is no longer
but rather
This integrates the entire Universe.
Value given by the Solar System
Contribution from the whole universe
138 galaxies fitted with two free parameters.